Saturday, March 27, 2010


Paige our youngest granddaughter is in the fifth grade.  The fifth graders put on a live wax museum for their entire school and parents, grandparents..etc.. she was going to portray Helen Keller.  We discussed what she should wear, and how she should do her hair. 

The big day was on Thursday. We heard from her mother that curlers were put in her stick straight hair, and when the curlers were removed she nearly passed out because they were pulling her hair.  She recovered from her faint while lying down and having the rest of the curlers removed.

We drove up for the afternoon.  We hung around in the hallway waiting for the next viewing.   We were greeted by Madison whose class was going down the hall, and a teacher who reported that Miss Paige had a temp and possible strep throat and was sent home at noon. 

But the show must go on.  These kids did a great job, some of their imaginations were soaring to new heights.  The premise is this..they pick a person and research that person, then they make a backdrop and dress like the person would have, then during the viewing they are to hold a pose. 

These are a few of my favorites..
 Wyatt Earp..missing the a.  I wanted to reach right over and fix it for him.
 Orville Wright..who stifled a smile when I told him he had a handsome moustache.
Harry a long underwear straitjacket.
 Grace Kelly..this is a fifth grader..goodness are growing up fast these days.
 A missing Helen Keller..
 And the winner is..Steve Irwin..I thought this young gentleman was the spitting image..

I followed a class of second graders through the exhibit..they told me while I was standing in line that they heard there was a famous ball player, a cowboy, a astronaut and a princess inside.. I asked if they knew who the princess was..they said they didn't know.. but maybe it would be Sleeping Beauty.  I suggested Gene Autry for the famous cowboy, then Roy Rogers..they had not heard of those cowboys.  Now the ball player ..they figured out it would be the Babe and it was.

Imagination seems to be alive and well in the fifth graders at Paige's school:)


  1. What a clever idea! I have never heard of any class doing something like this. It is very creative.

  2. How sad for Paige to miss her big project! I hope she recovers quickly. What an interesting thing for the kids to do though. Kudos to the teachers :)

    Kisses for Chance,
    Emma Rose

  3. What a fun assignment for that age group. I sure hope you little Helen Keller is feelin' better! I love any exercise that gets 'em thinkin' and involved.

    God bless and have a terrific weekend, Connie.

  4. Our daughter did an 8th-grade version of this, in which instead of making a display they had to converse in character with parents and the teacher. She, too, developed a horrible sore throat and fever, but you had to participate to get a grade so she went anyway. Talking hurt so much that as "Richard Nixon" she kept saying "No comment" and walking away. The teacher finally said, "Mr. President, if you want a good grade, you'd better answer a few questions so I know that you researched your character."

    The event was called "Night of the Notables," which--wags that we are--we still refer to as "The Night of No Tables."

    I love that your granddaughter did this as a 5th-grader and that they brought in younger kids, to bring history to life.

  5. That is just so cute and poor Helen went thorough all that hair pain, to be sent home. Hope she is better.

  6. So sorry Paige is sick. I am fascinated by Helen Keller. I enjoyed the photos very much. That's a great project for the kids.

  7. What a great idea for kids to do this. And I am also sorry Paige was unable to be Helen Keller, an inspiration to many of us! I also hope she is feeling better...

  8. That looks like a lot of fun! And the likeness was amazing! Great idea!

  9. So cute! Too bad she had to miss it after all her hard work! Hope she is better soon.

  10. Wow - great idea! And Steve Irwin's look-alike is like his long lost twin!

    I love your new blog look and header, by the way!

  11. I had to do a double take when I opened your blog. I like it. The new look is nice. That is a great way for kids to learn. It really brings alive and helps them to remember. Cute photos. I hope Paige is feeling better.

  12. Imagination, so delightful. I hope they can hold onto this forever.

    Steve Irwin is awesome but every one did a good job.

    Hope the sick one is doing better.

  13. This sounds like a fun project!! So sorry Paige had to miss it!!

  14. Love the Steve Irwin!

    Glad to see this type of activity is still happening in schools.


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