Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wistful Wednesday: Early 1900's

My paternal grandmother lived in Michigan until she was twenty-one years old.   Her family had moved to Minnesota and she followed them after a short time.  ( I will speculate that she was lonely and missed her parents and siblings.)  She had a very good job in Michigan, she was a housekeeper for a very wealthy couple.

Well do you suppose that a beautiful young lady of twenty one would have had just a few suitors? 

I found this Real Photo Postcard amongst the photographs that came from my Grandpa.. It is addressed to my Grandmother using her maiden was probably sent by hand or with a package as there is no stamp.  I believe it to be from right around 1910.  My Grandmother married my Grandfather in 1911.

Hello Kido, Hows the world using you now these pretty summer days hope fine.  I am well and hope you the same. Don't get scared when you look at this sour face.

It is he doesn't even have a name.   I wonder if her heart had been broken in Michigan and that is why she came to Minnesota.   I guess we will never know.  Another thing we will never know is how she met my Grandfather..they were neighbors..they lived less than a mile from each other.  They did not go to the same church.  Since her dad was the local "Bone Doctor" perhaps that is how they met.  I guess I could speculate all day long.  Perhaps they met at a dance.  I was told once that the Finnish boys liked to go to dances so that they could dance with the German girls..the Finn girls wouldn't dance..and my Grandmother was a Finn girl:)  


  1. It's a lot of fun to speculate on these things, and since they are all gone we will never know. I wonder too...

  2. That made me realize I don't know how my Grandparents met either! Think I will do some digging while I can.

    Fun post Far Side. It makes you think :)

  3. Sometimes it's more fun to dream and speculate than knowin' the cold hard facts. I don't know the stories behind my grandparents either. We really needed to ask more questions when we were younger.

    God bless you and have a marvelous day!!!

  4. Wish I had known grand parents too, so that we'd know more history. Just human nature, as when we're young, we're almost too busy to spend time with elders and ask those important questions. More importantly, document the stories told. Now wish we'd had tape recordings of Grandpa Carls stories.

  5. I want to know who these people were. Even with my own parents I don't feel I ever know who my mother was as a woman - not a mother and the same with my father. We are people in or own right. I love your old photos. I have a photo of my mother who was born in 1912 which she was a baby. She was probably about 5 or 6 months old.

  6. There are so many questions I didn't ask my dad and my Aunt Ease (who was the keeper of the family history on my mother's side) when they were still around. Every time an older relative dies, it feels like part of my history dies with them.

  7. What a marvellous face! Such fun to imagine a whole history for the two of them...

  8. Hey....just popping in to say hi to you and Far Guy and my boy Chancey! I read Chances post too! Very cool...he sure does have a lot of friends...but why would that surprise me??

  9. It is neat to see what he had to say. The ways of who will dance with who is all so interesting that still goes on today. It is a neat old photo.

  10. We gotta family on my Dad's side are all Finnish and they lived in Keweenaw Bay area..perhaps your relatives knew my relatives in the U.P.???

  11. bwaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha. so funny about the dancing.


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