Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dog Sitting

This weekend, we are dog sitting for Hooch and Odda. They are a pair. I had to have a talk with Hooch on Friday. When I went up to let everyone out of their kennels..he went to one of the sheds and would not come out. Little bugger we had a talk..I explained that if he came out..he could go home with me. He is a little mad that he was left behind..I brought some of his own food over here to feed him..he gave me a look that said "You have lost your freaking mind." Far Guy mixed some of Chance's food in with it..and he chowed it all down. At night Hooch goes back to his own house to his own bed..he kennels up nicely. This morning..he ran between me and the if to say..I am ready lets go..forget about my sister already.
Now for Hooch's sister..the beautiful Miss Odda. She has an outdoor kennel..she begins to jump as soon as I turn in the yard..just like a doggy jack in the box. She knows she is not to jump on people..and she tries real hard not to. If I holler "Odda sit" she does..right on my get a good head scratch. She is not yet a year old. She irritates Chance..and Hooch..she submits to both of them..but she goes right back to her antics.

Chance just hates it when she tries to scoot underneath him..or puts a paw on his back. The whole group sounds wild and crazy the first few minutes that they are all together, with the boys snarling and snapping at Miss Odda ..after that they all calm down.

Hooch is real good at our house, he naps on the couch..he helps himself to food and water. Chance is a good host and shares his toys and his balls..letting Hooch catch half of the balls thrown.
Last night when I took Hooch home..I heard a Coyote howling and the Canadian Geese honking up in the corn fields. Hooch went in the pasture..the heifers gave him the what for and chased him back out again. Since they live on the prairie, and we live in the woods..going to their place is always an adventure:)


  1. Miss Odda is a sweet big lug. Those boys need to settle down and show the lady some respect. Chance is a great host sharing his toys with Hooch. I am not sure I would want to mess with that heifer. She looks like she has an attitude and is willing to give a piece of it.

  2. I had to laugh at these descriptions, and then Rae's comment made me laugh too. I think Odda is adorable. What a name! You've got quite a nice life there, Connie. Surrounded by wildlife and local flora and fauna... I love it there.

  3. They look like they are having a great time! :) I bet you will be exhausted after doggie sitting.

  4. Don't you just love dogs?!!! They have such exuberance and love of life. I like the way God created them because they look like they are smiling a lot.

  5. Chance sure is a great host! They are each beautiful and I'm sure it's been an adventure. Love all your pictures. Have a nice week.

  6. Too funny..I love watching the antics of dogs when they play together...they remind me of a bunch of two year olds.

  7. How wonderful that Chance shares the ball. I cannot get Maggie to do that but Hubby can.

  8. You are a dear soul to dog-sit as you do. The business of having to pick the dogs up and take them home, then return them to their beds is more than just friendship. I give you a medal for your loving care.

  9. I bet Hooch loves you Connie - at least he likes to visit! And Odda she loves everybody!

  10. That last photo is stunning! That deserves to be enlarged and framed. wow!

    Good Chance for sharing and getting along with everyone. Miss Odda is lovely! Her markings remind of a Bernaise(sp?) Mountain Dog. Just gorgeous! Hooch looks like a character.

    What fun for you to watch all their antics. And what a good friend to take care of the canine guests, too.


  11. Thank you so Much Connie, Gene and Chance for dog sitting! Hooch and Odda love you!

  12. We are starting to get baby calves and Bob the pup is learning bout protective mama's!

  13. All that action will keep you young. I love the names!

  14. I enjoyed this very much! Thanks for sharing your dogs. The lovely Miss Odda really is the ruler, the guys just don't know it.



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