Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cora's Sunflower Success

You know the little white styrofoam cups that the teachers send home for Mother's Day or near the last few days of school? The tiny little plant has almost stretched beyond it's limits. Growing tall and spindly..trying to find the light? It sits on the window ledge at home, sometimes it drys out and sometimes it nearly drowns in waits until the threat of frost is over to be planted outside. It gets dumped out and little fingers press it into the soil and then drench it with water. And it grows...
Cora's sunflower, she lives on a farm..they added a little fertilizer!!

I did find out from her Dad, Jim, that there are two types of Sunflowers, the oil ones which are usually black seeded ones used for oil and birdseed, and confectionery ones..these are the ones that we eat as a snack or use in baking, they are usually dark grey with a white stripe. Jim says that he is sure that Cora's sunflowers are of the confectionery type. What ever type they are they were very tall and very healthy..and obviously a great success:)


  1. How wonderful! I never knew that about the seeds. I always thought they were all the same. You are constantly educating me :) Thanks!

    Kisses for Chance -

  2. Amazing that one little seed can produce such a large flower and to do it in just a few months. The birds will eat either variety of seeds, but they prefer the all black ones. That type of seed is easier for them to eat. They have to work harder to open the striped ones and they drop the hull to the ground. I have had to clean up their messes at my feeders far too often.

  3. Those are some big sunflower heads!!! I expected to see the Jolly Green Giant in the background!

  4. The birds will eat on it anyway if they leave it out all fall. They are amazing plants, and a bear to get out of the ground at the end of the season. Nice photos.

  5. Wow wee! That's a monster sunflower! Love it...

  6. I think that this is a very humble sunflower, quietly growing taller and taller each day. What a bounty for the birds.


  7. Unbelievable and gorgeous! I'm sending this to my son. He's always wanted to grow those things. Now he has a goal☺

  8. I loved the way you teased that story out. I also like the sunflower it's magnificent.


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