Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wistful Wednesday : Who?

Lots of times when I am going through old photographs they are not marked. Sometimes I can figure them out, sometimes not. Sometimes I have no clues.

This is a photo of Andy. I was curious. Who was Andy..where does he fit? On the front of the photo written in ink is "Andy and his car" On the back, "Andy is a 6 footer, on our driveway, he'll be 21 Aug 17 so spose I'll be looseing him someday as he's got a gal." gal is underlined!

Through some research I did find out who he was, he is Loren Andrew Lemon Jr. and his Mother Florence (Graham) Lemon apparently wrote on the photo and mailed it to her sister in law Meady ( Far Guys Grandma). Probably with a letter, if she was that wordy on the back of the photo..just think what a treat old letters from her must have been. All of Flossies children, including Andy must have be born at home on the farm ( The farm that I grew up on. ) in all of the records that I have found it says born in Carsonville township. Well I am very familiar with the township, there is no hospital, no it must have been a home birth.

Circles..sometimes I think these old photos are running me in circles. This photo was taken in 1955, perhaps in the spring. When I was zooming in on the photo to see if I could get a date off of the license plate ( I couldn't ) ..I noticed a small child peeking out on the left side of the car. I will probably never find out who the small child was. I have no idea if Andy is still alive, or where he may live, if I did I would return the photo to him..let's see he would be only 75 years old..:)


  1. How interesting. I see the child now that you mention it. That is some car too! It's amazing what we can do nowdays with old photos, isn't it?

  2. I have a large album full of really old photos of family. I have no clue as to who the people are. Some are marked mom and pop, etc. It is my family history in photographs, but I wish names and dates had been recorded. It is still fun to look back and see how times have changed. Your family will certainly treasure the beautiful photos you have taken.

  3. The child just blends in. I would have never caught it and I can spot a child a mile away.

    I have labeled all the photos in a large trunk from my great-grandparents on so my kids and grandkids can figure out the whose-whoses of things. Thanks for sharing and have a great day!!!

  4. Love the picture-Andy-the car and the child. Neat that you discovered exactly who Andy was.

  5. That's some interesting script on the back of that picture. At least there was enough info to lead you to a name and location. I hope you find him, I bet he'll get a kick out of it!

    BTW, drop in on my blog...I mentioned you today.

  6. My family has an old metal suitcase that my parents carried around for years. It's got stuff in it from more than a hundred years ago and nobody has any idea about who some of those people were. I kind of wish I could see that box again, but I remember we couldn't figure out so much and they looked like some of my siblings! Or me! No way to find out, though, because everybody's passed on...

  7. It is thanks to your careful research that these photos are being rescued and remembered. Good for you -- and thanks so much for letting us share in the adventure!

  8. I did that recently at my Mum's house in Australia, plied thru a bunch of black and whites and wondered who the hell they all were :)

  9. That's a great old picture and an interesting story to go with it. I love old photos, and I am in the process of writing on the backs of my old pics so someone might know who they are someday. I love your header collage; that's a gorgeous old barn. I hopped over here from Sunny's blog, and I'll be back....

  10. Oh, I can see that small child now you mention it! Cute. And what a lovely car and man!

  11. This is interesting to me. Everything fits. I will be 75 next month. I rode in cars like this but never owned one like it. Do you think the age of photos is over and what do mother's write on nowadays since film is a thing of the past.

    I denjoyed your blog. My first time. And because you stopped and commented at my blog and I returned the visit. Nice how it works out.

    Thanks for helping me to make history.
    Pick a Peck of Pixels

  12. Times have changed, now we send our photos through email, and organize them into albums, with face id, and captions.

    But there is something wonderful about handling old family photos. Gar has a old chocolate box, of family photos, and few if any are marked. Treasures, sitting there, and no one knows who they are.


  13. I've found people before, would you like for me to look? I do research for a little cemetery in Paonia. They look for living people to see if the family would still like to keep the plots or sell them.


  14. I just really like the picture. My parents had a very much like that when I was a kid. We had six people riding in it. The photo tells so much about how guys dressed back then too. Do you think he is a teenager, he looks older, hard to tell.


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