Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Tune Up

 Just like old cars, older men need a bit of a tune up from time to time. Far Guy has too much fluid in his system, so he is getting a bit of help getting rid of it in the hospital.  It may just be a 24 hour stay...we have to see if his breathing improves. They are doing a few tests. So it depends on the results. 

He is in good hands, I was with him most of yesterday.  

The rain is very welcome.  Things are  finally turning a bit green.

Far Side


  1. Praying your Far Guy will be alright!

  2. It sounds like the doctors are taking good care of him. We too are getting more rain, but the weeds in my flower beds are getting taller and taller, ha ha!

  3. I look forward to hearing how his tuneup goes. Sending lots of healing energy his way.

  4. Hopefully getting rid of excess fluid will help his breathing too. He's had a rough spring so far.

  5. As long as it's only a tune up. Fingers crossed he is home soon.

  6. Far Guy has some excellent health professionals looking after him when they discover too much fluid.

  7. So sorry FG has to be back in the hospital but glad he is there to help clear up his issue and diagnosis it further.
    I forgot to mention yesterday that your meal with your brother last night sounded delicious!
    One more guess on the May basket - - llama - - but I don't know if I have ever seen a black one. They are usually white - cream - brown.

  8. I do hope that the treatment Far Guy receives will give him some relief. It's been a tough several months for the two of you.

  9. Having excess fluid removed can make such a difference to how easy it is to breathe. I hope all goes well for him xx

  10. I hope he will feel better. All that extra fluid just drowns you.

  11. Praying all goes well with the drainage and he is home soon, raring to go to car shows.

  12. Hopefully Far Guy's hospital stay will be short but effective.

  13. Yes they increased my wife’s med to dry out lungs and heart fluid. We are in rehab health care facility mixed in with very old patients now. She had to eat, put on weight everywhere and grow back muscles.

  14. Sending our best of vibes out into the cosmos for Far Guy that he's home very soon.

  15. I hope all goes well, and hope you can get a good night's sleep.

  16. Oh Dear, sorry to hear about far guy being in the hospital. Sure hope things go well for him and he can come home soon! praying!

  17. It's good to see it greening up there. I'll be thinking good thoughts for FG and for you too.

  18. Hopefully that should really help with his breathing. What a time he has been having. I hope he is home and breathing easier soon.

  19. Hope his visit is short and productive with helpful information. Take care!

  20. Poor Far Guy...he has to get better...Summer is right around the corner.


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