Monday, April 22, 2024

The big sort

 This has been my work area since we have returned home.

Organized chaos.  Although last week at one point it was a worse mess.

There is kind of a path to walk through.  Good thing we are not expecting company.  

I won't guess when I will be laid plans can change. 

Far Guy is sick again, coughing and real congested. 

Far Side


  1. Oh my. Fingers crossed that Far Guy gets well really soon.

  2. Noooooo! On FG not feeling good.


    As for the sorting? Eeeks. I am hoping to do that work here and get rid of things I don't think the kids would ever want.

    It certainly makes me think about it.

  3. Sorry to hear FG is sick again. I'll send some extra good vibes his way. :-)

  4. Oh no - I hope FG gets better quickly. He's had a tough month. The Big Sort is so much work isn't it? I've made a mess again in a couple of places in the house while trying to sort out and discard some things.

  5. Darn, poor Far Guy, he can't seem to catch a break. I hope he is feeling better soon.

    Your work area looks like a lot of work. Enjoy the sort!

  6. Could things blooming and sending pollen into the air be affecting Far Guy?

  7. This is not good. He was doing so well. Dang.

    The chaos is organized and I have to say how much I like the spinning wheel.

  8. Your Mother may have had things organized but, when others go through things they soon become a jungle.

  9. I was going to say what sillygirl did. Could the pollen be affecting FG? We have so much wind here too. People were coughing like crazy in church yesterday and I think it was just allergies for most of them.
    We'll be praying for sure.

  10. OH! MY! GOSH! Could it be allergy? Maybe? Please

  11. Oh no! So sorry to hear FarGuy is sick again.
    McFamily are all sick again, too.
    What a winter it has been.
    Hopefully the warmer weather will help everybody.

  12. Well, taking care of FG and yourself is the priority. The rest can wait.

  13. Wow, big job ahead! Sorry abt Far Guy being sick again.

  14. I hope Far Guy is recovering, sorting through suff is a job and a half

  15. Tough times for you both.
    I am so sorry.

  16. I'm glad you left a path to walk through. It really doesn't look that bad. Oh no...praying for far guy to get well. So sorry to hear he's feeling bum again. Take good care of him and YOU!

  17. The whole job of sorting through all the tubs and boxes must seem endless. Eventually you'll finish I'm sure. Meanwhile, I hope Far Guy gets better again.

  18. Praying that you both feel better soon.

  19. Does he wear a mask when he goes out in public? I pray he gets better!

  20. When we were checking out our house to buy, we saw a spinning wheel sitting next to the railing that looked like yours. I have a mess of a house with me flying in and out each morning. Larry


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