Thursday, September 1, 2022

September begins

 Sometimes I wonder about the things I see in nature. 

The Field Bindweed is choking the Goldenrod.   Field Bindweed is part of the Morning Glory family and has a nice has arrow shaped leaves and tendrils that curl around what ever is in the this case Goldenrod.  Its real name is Convolvulus arvensis.  Non native plant. 

Far Side


At Home In New Zealand said...

We have convolvulus here too. I have seen whole swards of it in places along the riverbank - it chokes out everything else and then puts on a beautiful display of flowers. One doesn't know whether to hate it or love it :)

DJan said...

We have lots of bindweed around here, choking off native plants.

Latane Barton said...

I hate that the bindweed is choking the goldenrod but I think the bindweed is prettier. Just wish they lived apart from each other.

Maebeme said...

We have a lot of bindweed here too, and it will even choke out small trees. Horrid stuff.

Sandra said...

Morning glory has taken over a flower garden. We have a lot of goldenrod, the bees love it.

The Feminine Energy said...

How could something so pretty be so "choking", eh? We have a few of those on our property as well. Usually I keep up with pulling them out but not this year...for whatever reason. ~Andrea xoxo

Galla Creek said...

Bind weed—pretty but deadly—is a description.

Dawn said...

We have wild cucumber that has taken over where the wild grapes left off in choking everything else out.

I LOVE that picture of Chase behind the tree!

Linda Reeder said...

Bindweed chokes everything and is tenacious in it's spreading and twining and binding. Somehow it got started here in our garden and we fight it constantly. Someday when we can no longer do battle against it, it will just cover us over. At least the flowers are pretty.

Linda Reeder said...

I left a long comment about bind week, but it wouldn't publish. Anyway we hate bind weed.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

It's a shame it's invasive because it's so pretty. We have tonnes of it here. I've been pulling it out of the driveway garden all summer

L. D. said...

I have not heard of the term bindweed but I am sure that I have seen it. Our yards use to be cornfields so we get a variety of stray weeds native to Iowa. My neighbor keeps asking me "what is that weed?" as if it is my fault. He walks his yard for weeds like we use to walk beans in rows for burdock.

Jenn Jilks said...

We've done so much harm with invasive species!

Red said...

Some of the non native plants are very aggressive.

The Great Ethan Allen said...

Funny I love Golden rod and the smell of the flower. Can you tell I don't have allergies? We have so many morning glory flowers all along the sidewalks here. I find them very pretty with the shades of pink and white. Even though tye moe the grass constantly, the flowers manage to continue to push up and bloom. A stubborn little plant.