Friday, March 25, 2022


 I am resting today.  Here is another pretty house.

Far Side


  1. Have a good rest! I've started my taxes, online, and supposedly owe the government $62,000. No rest for the wicked!

  2. Oh yes that is pretty! Wow!
    I imagine you might be looking forward to going back to the woods, but will miss the company and the critters!

  3. That porch! That porch! I love yellow houses and this one has all my bells and whistles. But that porch!

  4. A big house is wonderful unless you’re head cleaner and have to pay for heating and cooling. I have a huge large. Now, as head gardener, I moan..

  5. Enjoy a day of rest!! Have a good weekend!

  6. Beautiful happy color against the gray sky! It looks like it is loved and well-maintained.

  7. They had style in those days.

  8. Oh - that's my dream house! (other than all those stairs!)

  9. Hope you have a restful day.

    Thanks for the head-on photo of the house. That's the one that I liked so much!

  10. That's the one I saw a peek of on your other post. Love that turret. As a little girl I always wanted a turret room. I hope you're having a great day of rest.

  11. That is a pretty house... can you imagine painting it though? Hope you had a good resting day... have a great weekend!

  12. You deserve a good day of rest! That house is really beautiful and the upper and lower porch are amazing. I would love to see the inside of it. Enjoy your weekend!

  13. Oh how I want to tour that pretty house!! Love the colour too. And the turret.

  14. Resting is great. I did small jobs all day today that I have put off for a few years. Attached a vise to the work bench counter which is better than with it wobbling all the time when I used it. Towel rack reattached with an anchor and started a podium for one of my bird houses.

  15. Beautiful house. God bless you. Have a good rest!

  16. This house has a Rapunzel type tower!! I always thought it would be fun to have one. I noticed a matchy-matchy gazebo or similar, off to the left. If only walls could talk.

  17. Beautiful house but I wouldn't want to clean it.

  18. Gorgeous home! My favorite color too! I'm with Pauline....I wouldn't want to clean it! LOL!


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