Thursday, December 2, 2021


 We have computer spots, not side by side but across the room.  Andy and Jen gave up their office space for us. 

Far Guy can watch the street and see when someone goes down the street, mail man, delivery trucks, school bus etc...

The couple next door hired a guy with the tallest ladders I have ever seen to decorate the trees in his yard...should be interesting.  I was outside when the guy was way high on his tall ladder I almost hollered "Hello be careful"  but I showed great restraint in being quiet. 

My spot!   No view but thats okay I have space in the corner for all my stuff.  

Work is progressing on my Winter Wonderland can see it there on my desk.  Slow but sure! 

Far Side


  1. Everyone needs their spot. Mine is full of clutter, but I need all my stuff.

  2. Love your spots. I like a window seat but used to have my 'puter upstairs in a room that faced the wall. I was schooling on line then and it probably was a good thing I couldn't just sit and daydream.

    Looks great!

  3. Looks like you and your family are getting nicely settled for the long winter. I hung the ornaments from you and Far Guy on my little Christmas tree on Tuesday.

  4. Carving out your space! How generous of your daughter and son-in-law to open their home to you. I'm glad there is space for everyone to have their own corner. Gosh, the office with a view! I see who has the seniority. It will be an adjustment, but I am sure the escapades of close neighbors will keep you amused.

  5. You each have your own computer spot, too!
    This has to be such a huge adjustment but it seems to be going well.

  6. How nice of Andy and Jen to make such comfortable spots available to you two. Dennis does the same in his home office. He'll call out to me that his cousin, (who lives across the street), is leaving for work late so she must be on late shift that day, when the mailman comes, fed ex, etc. He and Far Guy are two peas in a pod!

  7. You are settling in! I hope the adjustment goes smoothly for all. One of my best friends moved from SD to Iowa a few years ago to be closer to her husband's specialists so they didn't have to drive 6 hours each way every month. They miss their grandkids and friends here, but do find it a relief to not make that long drive in the winter.

  8. Did you bring your own desks or do those belong to your kids? They surely love you bunches.
    Our neighbors, who just moved to be closer to their kids because of the husband's health, have been abundantly and joyfully welcomed by their son's family!

  9. No photos of the guy on the ladder? I hope you’ll share a photo of the display all lit up. I’m glad you and FarGuy have found “spots” in the house.

  10. It's nice to have a spot of your own for your stuff.

  11. It would be hard for me to give up my office space. Andy and Jan are most generous and accommodating, knowing, I'm sure, that your comfort is important.

  12. More than anything, it is best to be closer to his drs. in winter.

  13. Living in the city will give you lots of different things to see. Coming from the woods means you rarely see stuff like you will in town. You said they had a big house so it is nice you have a place to set up computers. I see you were getting snow.

  14. How nice of Andy and Jen. Bet it will be wonderful not to have those long drives to appointments. Hope you can show us a pictures of the decorated trees in the neighbor's yard.

  15. Fun to see where you two are "computering" out of! How nice that they gave up their office space for you. Far guy got the window, like me, here at home....always something interesting to see out there! However I think you keep so busy with so many things, you are right, you won't miss having a window at all. Love that afghan! Take care!

  16. Nice you have your own spots to work at. And I'm glad your project is coming along well.

  17. You look all snuggly & settled in, Connie. Wonderful! This should be a nice adventure. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  18. Twinning apple computers, love it!! I see the personal touches that make it feel like home-away-from home already <3

  19. You have the nicest daughter and SIL! I see your WW blanket! I love the green!

  20. It looks like you are both all settled in!


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