Sunday, December 26, 2021

Silent night


Shouldn't every tree have a fence so puppies don't chew up all the gifts? 

Far Side


  1. Yes, every tree needs a border. Merry Christmas.

  2. Haha! That is brilliant! It keep children out too!

  3. Yes, one needs fence/ing for a Silent (?) Night in the world of playful puppies.

    Beautifully done chalk board image!!

  4. One year we had to have our gifts in a covered box to keep the cats from opening them.

  5. *hahaha* Love the fence... and yes!! :-D ~Andrea xoxoxo

  6. Merry Christmas!
    I've never had/needed a fence but when the cats were young, I tied the tree to a hook in the ceiling to keep it upright.

  7. Merry Christmas! My daughter found unwrapped gifts under her tree. Her security camera showed a little grandson elf. Luckily the two year old found two adult gifts and gave up and went back to the toddler bed.

  8. Very clever of the puppy parents to do that!
    I LOVE the chalkboard drawing. Is it one where the message changes when someone creates a new one - - or is this a permanent Christmas picture?

  9. Do you miss doing all the trees you did at home?
    Puppy fence is a great idea!

  10. Oh dear, those puppies! My niece had some food items among their gifts and only just managed to rescue things before their little doggie chewed them to pieces :)

  11. The fence is a good idea but it wouldn’t keep the kitties out for a minute!

  12. I didn't even see the fence...brilliant! The tree is beautiful and someone is very artistic! Happy Day after Christmas....I'm still full!

  13. That is a wise use of the fence! I hope you all had a lovely day!

  14. What a beautiful tree and the fence is brilliant. I love the chalkboard message.

  15. Perfect! Little teeth need to leave those presents alone. Happy holidays to all, including little Sadie. :-)

  16. We put our tree inside the playpen one year to keep a baby out of it. But she just pulled a chair over and climbed in. That baby turned 38 last week. LOL Our cat climbed the tree a couple of times when he was young, but mostly like to lay under it and peek out around the packages.

  17. We have a fence too :-D. Merry Christmas!

  18. Fun time with a puppy. My son got a new dog to go with his cattle dog. A little terrier that loves everyone.


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