Saturday, December 18, 2021

Card and a Puppy

 Todays Christmas Card was hand postage needed. 

We only got one card yesterday.

Andy, Jen, Noah and Adam

There has been an empty spot in the household since Miss Miney died last January.  Little Elvis has been an only dog....and he is getting older.   A new puppy would not replace Miss Miney because that would be impossible.  Little Elvis would have a companion and show the puppy the ropes...and there is enough love for animals in the household to share with a new puppy. 

Preparations were made. 

Meet Sadie the Golden Retriever.  Sadie is eight weeks old.  I am certain you will hear more about her as time goes on. 

Jen and Sadie
Sadie was the runt of the litter, she seems to be well adjusted to people, dogs and cats.   Jen said that Sadie wagged her tail and started to chew on her shoes when they met for the first it was meant to be. 

Far Side


  1. Puppies mean lots of love. They are just bundles of love. I have enjoyed our granddaughter's puppies, Thomas and Gizmo. They are part of the family. Every time we have a family get together they come, too.

  2. Awww, congratulations on the new granddog!

  3. Be Still My Heart! Love it. Any time there is a new young pup or pet I just get all mushy inside. Hmmm.
    For so many years I had two dogs [large mix dogs] and I adored hugging them all of the time.

    Thank you for posting this, it lifts up my heart today!

  4. You have some handsome grands & grandpup.

  5. I look forward to more photos and writing about Sadie as she grows and has adventures!

  6. Welcome to the family, Sadie! She's darling, Connie!! Yes, I wish a shelter animal would have been chosen but... well... a long & happy life to Sadie and the loving family who chose her. She's a lucky little puppy! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  7. Awww, Sadie is so sweet! Extra watchful eyes is a perfect time to get a puppy. Elvis & Sadie will become snuggle buddies in no time. Enjoy the adorable bundle of fluff, they grow so fast <3

  8. She is a beautiful puppy ~ sure to bring happiness and maybe a little dismay now and then until she learns the rules of the house.

  9. That's wonderful- my second favourite breed! You are going to enjoy her puppiness this winter. I'm sure she will get a lot of snuggles!

  10. Love that Christmas card, and super love the puppy!

  11. Sadie is adorable! My daughter has a golden retriever. As a breed they tend to be very sweet and I adore them.

  12. Sadie has a sweet face and such an intense expression. She’s going to be a cuddler.

  13. Hello Sadie! What a cutie. I bet she is going to be a lot of fun at Christmas.

  14. She is darling! DARLING! JUST DARLING!!!

  15. What an adorable pup! Now lots of work and lots of love are ahead.

  16. Another new puppy! It's the season for puppies. Sadie is SO cute. I love golden retrievers as they are so loving and family oriented. You're going to have a wonderful, wonderful several months of helping to train the puppy. Lucky you!

  17. Sadie is indeed adorable!! GD Kate has an aged dog named Sadie who from time to time appears to be going downhill fast. So far she has rallied each time.

  18. That is the Only way to replace a passing dog. Dogs leave a HUGE hole in the family... and there is no way to patch it up unless you find someone to fill the void. Happy Puppy! Many years to come!

  19. That is a sweet puppy. I bet there will be a lot of energy behind that sweet innocent face.

  20. Sadie is so adorable. Bet Little Elvis will like her company. It has taken 6 months for Eli to accept Ellie but it finally happened. Golden Retrievers are such good dogs.

  21. How sweet is this little one? I love how the circle of life continues, and I will look so forward to getting to know her, and her adventures as she discovers the world! ❤

  22. Love the new pup! I love Goldens! My best friend used to have a super Golden named Sadie! She will be lots of fun, I'm sure. Your cards sure are rolling in slowly.....hope you get some more soon. Tonight we watched "The Nativity Story"....always a favorite of ours at Christmas time. Thank you for all the time you take to make this is very appreciated!

  23. Awww! A puppy! She is a cutie pie. :)

  24. No dog can ever replace another, but I'm sure all of them - Little Elvis included - are glad to have another dog in the house. Hello, Sadie. Pretty name, by the way.

  25. Ahhh Sadie is sure cute! That is great timing ~ you will all enjoy her! That is a beautiful Christmas card!

  26. Oh, gosh, what could be cuter than a Christmas puppy! Yes, so much JOY in those four little busy paws.


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