Friday, December 17, 2021

More cards

 Oh the mail was abundant yesterday, five Christmas cards and one letter.  Sadly enclosed with the letter was a funeral card.   The wife of former co worker of Far Guys died last October in Arizona.  She had MS and had been in a wheelchair for 21 years.  She fought a good fight all summer with pneumonia. 

Far Guy infusion report: only three sticks this week, he is discouraged with the Nurses here.  Last week was four, this week three so they are improving.   His arms are a mess. 

I found a car wash and got the car washed while Far Guy was in the Infusion Center.  Car washes are not easy to find around here.  

Cards from Northern Minnesota, Southern Minnesota, North Dakota, Florida and South Carolina.  The letter was from Arizona.  

I watched a movie with Jen in the evening, Game Night, I give it a 9 out of 10 it was entertaining and funny. 

Far Side


  1. Poor Far Guy, discouraging and painful :( hopefully the nurses improve with his arm pokes.

  2. Very sorry about the loss of Far Guy's friends wife. You would almost think they would have figured him out and gotten the "go-to" person for sticking at this point. Frustrating.

  3. I'm sorry that Far Guy is having such issues with the infusion. Hopefully the clinic staff get it figured out soo.

    My sympathies to your friend. MS is very prevalent here in Saskatchewan and I've known several people who have been affected. It is an awful disease.

  4. Pooey, pooey... my card, from Indiana, didn't arrive yet? Hubby mailed them on Monday. Oh well, it's on its way, my friend... be sure to catch all the hugs & well wishes inside the envelope, when you open it. Please don't allow them to stick Far Guy that many times each trip. His veins will scar and then it will make things that much worse. Has the idea of a port ever been brought up to him? ~Andrea xoxoxo

    1. He has had four ports they clog up and become un usuable, one just after a week:(

  5. Ouch on the poking. I hope they get it figured out for him. My card stuff this year is not well organized.

  6. Ha, I recognize one of them! We have only gotten four so far. Is it the mail service or have more people stopped sending them, I wonder. I’m so sorry for Far Guy’s inept nurses. I hope he gets them trained real soon.

  7. When I worked at a hospital years ago, we had one nurse who could almost always get a line in with one stick. We used to say "Dan, Dan, the IV man. If he can't get it, no one can!" Hope they can find someone like that for Far Guy.

  8. So sorry FarGuy has to put up with all the sticking. I pray my port keeps working for a long time. Nice to get all the cards and letters. Yay snail mail! :)

  9. How frustrating that the nurses can't get a good "stick" the first time around. I've had that happen myself, and the bruises seemed to last forever.

  10. My sympathies to Far Guy on all of the needle sticks. I have them too and I know how hard it is. This is a hard time of year for so many people. We know two people in the ICU on ventilators with Covid. Two friends from our church in Spokane died this week,(not covid), and another is on hospice and hasn't ate or drank in 4 days. I'm so sad that I'm not there and yet what could we do? Give hugs I guess.
    You got some beautiful cards. I hope you received ours. It was mailed a couple of weeks ago.

  11. One stick is enough for me but I will be patient if it doesn't work but that many in a short time is not acceptable.

  12. Sorry about the bad news that came among the Christmas cards. I feel for Far Guy... I don't have to have them regularly at the moment, but I know how much fun it isn't having infusions, and how much worse it is when you get a nurse who takes several attempts to have things working the way they should. I've had times I lost count of how many attempts they made, and by the time they were done I was a mess of bruises and struggling not to cry. I was incredibly relieved when things settled so that I'm currently stable enough not to need infusions at the moment.

  13. Poor Far Guy. He must feel like a pincushion. I hope the nurses get better with getting those needles in.

  14. All of the cards are great. I am impressed with the one with hanging ornaments. I wish I had taken that photo. The Iowa card must be lost in the woods as it should have been there by now.

  15. So glad your mail is slowly trickling in! How awful that it takes that many pokes to get the job done for poor far guy. Especially when you remember places where it only took them one! Take good care you guys! Only a few days now, until the shortest day of the year!!!

  16. Poor Far Guy! I used to be a phlebotomist (many moons ago) and I drew blood from drug addicts which isn't easy as they had used all the good veins! They need to send those nurses to do that....they'll get better in a hurry! I sent a card and there will be something else but the supply chain slowdown has slowed me up along with my usual pokiness.


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