Sunday, January 19, 2020

Winter Storm Jacob: Day Two

It snowed yesterday.   I have decided that the snow stick lies...perhaps the wind blew some snow away.   It says 24 inches at the snowstick.   That would be a four inch gain in 24 hours.

 If that was come it looked like more when I shoveled?

My Great Nephew Mason came by shortly after this and plowed us out.

The snow was blowing around so I saw no need in moving anymore snow until it calms down.

I took Shiny Brite Ornaments off the tree upstairs...and put them away.  The tree itself is still standing.  One day soon I will get it packed away.

I did  something with the "big sort"  I emptied a drawer and put everything in it on my table to be marked for a garage sale.  Then I turned out the light and came downstairs...enough for one snowy day.

Far Guy did some woodcarving and some coughing...he cannot seem to get rid of that horrible cough.  He had a nap and made supper for us...ribs and vegetables.  He is a great cook!

Far Side


  1. I was so lucky yesterday that Justin came down with his tractor and cleaned out the turn around spot as well as the driveway! He did it while it was still warm ... 25 F. Glad we are not trying it today.
    I still have 'winter' stuff hanging around and some nice white lights I turn on in the evening.

  2. Whoa.....that's a lot of snow to be shifting around!

  3. It snowed all day here too but was warm enough that for the first time in weeks it didn't stick. It was supposed to rain during the night. We woke up to about 3 inches of snow that Dennis will shovel before we go to church. The weather guy didn't tell the truth, again. :-)
    We went to Olive Garden last night with a gift card we had. The card wasn't enough money because it's ridiculously expensive and the food wasn't great. It was loud in there and we felt like cattle being rushed through. That's our experience whenever we've gone there so why do we go back? We said last night that it was the last time. I don't think we're picky people but gosh, I would have preferred to just stay home.
    Take care and I'm praying for Far Guy's cough to go away.

  4. Snow, snow, and more snow. I'm glad you are not driving anywhere in it.

  5. We just got another 6-8" last night and it took 2.5 hours of snowblowing and shoveling again this morning. Loads of fun, but the sun is out now and it is a good day. :-)

  6. Your snow stick may just be settling, much like you have to during this snowy cold winter.

  7. No snow here and yesterday was balmy and sunny. So glad you have people that will plow you out! I decided no garage sales for me....I'm just taking it all to Salvation Army. I may change my mind though! LOL!

  8. You always keep busy with something.

  9. How nice to have Mason help out. When did they start naming winter storms? I need to get started on a big sort. It's overwhelming. I love when the guys cook. Good for Far Guy!

  10. You sure do have a lot of snow!!
    Ours is now slush with the temperature just above freezing. It made for a slower walk but at least we got out.
    It would be great if Far Guy could shake that cough he has. Here's hoping...

  11. Yummy. Good trade for you doing snow blowing.

  12. I heard about your storm as it was approaching, and thought about you guys. Glad you didn't need to go out in it. Garage sales are a lot of work! I feel for you!

  13. Too much snow and it is just too cold. I may have to wait to do the old place's walk when it warms to 22 degrees on Tuesday. I am glad the great nephew showed up for you.

  14. We got some snow over the weekend too... but only about 4 inches. I don't mind the snow but the bitter cold (we were below zero all weekend) is something I don't enjoy. Aren't we lucky to have hubbies who like to cook? Stay warm!

  15. Oooh lucky you, to be married to a great cook. I bet he says the same thing about you! Looks like you've got a lot of do we...and it was still snowing this morning! I think it's finally stopped. My Christmas decorations are still up as it is too hard to get over to the storage area where all the boxes are located to bring them back here to the condo, until the weather gets better. A person could break their neck trying to walk on all the snow and ice. Ugh. Is it Spring yet? Maybe we'll have the decorations down by then! Take good care, you two!

  16. Lots of snow - we have had a couple of grands here this weekend sure hoping it warms up tomorrow so we can go outside!

  17. So much snow...thankful that Mason helped you. I pray that FG's cough will subside. Wishing you safe travel to your appts. this week.

  18. I'd say your guess about the wind blowing some snow away is probably the reason it only says an extra four inches at the snowstick. Either way, 24 inches is a lot of snow!


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