Friday, January 3, 2020

Bingo and more

My Dad's favorite outing is to Bingo.  I will take him as long as he is able to go.  I usually call to make sure he is feeling up to going, the answer is usually "If you are going I will go too."

This week I didn't know if he would feel up to it...on Monday he said he felt like a bowl of jello after his episode on Sunday.  Then Tuesday my other baby brother took him to Fargo for shots in his knees.

We made our bingo package money back plus 6 dollars this week.  So we can go again.
My Mom doesn't like bingo and she can sew all night while Dad is gone.   Far Guy doesn't like bingo he gets a quiet night at home with no interruptions from me.

The more:
 Far Guy is still struggling with a bad cold.  It started with a sore throat and then moved to his chest.  We gave in on New Years Day and took him to the ER where he just escaped a hospital admission, he got some new meds and if he wasn't feeling better he was to come back yesterday after his infusion.   ( Medicare rules...he cannot get his weekly infusion to protect his lungs if he is in the hospital.)   He was feeling worse Thursday morning so after his infusion we went to the ER...we had to wait there so long he began to feel we saw the Dr and then came home.  Hopefully Far Guy will continue to improve. We are not going anyplace for the next three days.   (He peopled and churched too many times over the holidays.)  I am tired of Emergency Rooms.

Our oldest daughter is still in the hospital.  She called us yesterday.  We have been unable to visit her because Far Guy has been ill.

Far Side


  1. I'm sending prayers. Medicare rules are frustrating. Sickness is frustrating. Glad Bingo went well.

  2. Continued prayers for you guys. Life sure isn't easy for a lot of us these days. Hope Far Guy feels better soon and that he gets his lung transplant real soon.

  3. It must be hard for you both to wait for that lung transplant. I am hoping it will be soon. Sending love through the internet.

  4. Medicare rules don't make good sense always. I had that discussion with a clerk yesterday at our local hospital.
    I hope FG starts to mend. Any cold is harmful.
    I am happy to hear that your dad felt well enough to go to Bingo.
    Thinking of you guys!

  5. Hope he kicks that cold soon! Good thoughts going to him and your oldest daughter...

  6. I hope everyone is on the mend soon. I love that you take your dad to bingo. Such precious memories. I miss my dad so much even though those last years were so hard.

  7. Prayers and positive thoughts for everyone.
    Hope FarGuy kicks this cold soon.
    Glad your dad felt well enough to make it to bingo. :)

  8. Glad your Dad was feeling up to going to Bingo, and you guys won a bit. Sorry Far Guy is sick and your daughter is still in hospital though. Hope everyone feels better soon.

  9. Hopefully everyone is on the mend and will feel much better soon. I think it's great that you get to spend time with your dad most weeks at Bingo. When our girls were little the Legion group in town hosted Bingo once a month and we used to take them. It was fun!

  10. Continued prayers. Home alone (away from germy people) and rest will hopefully make him feel so much better. Glad dad was able to make it to Bingo. And your daughter remains in my prayers. You need some healing vibes, that is for sure!

  11. Goodness, Far Guy's illness is worrisome. I sure hope the lung transplant happens soon. Also thinking positive thoughts for your daughter.

    Well done at bingo!

  12. Prayers coming your way for your daughter, you and FarGuy and your parents! Hugs

  13. Need to protect them both. Hugs across the miles, no germs exchanged.

  14. I want to go play bingo with you guys!

  15. I'm glad you get to spend time with your Dad doing Bingo, but the rest of it...oh's almost too much! I hope Far Guy feels better soon too, so he can continue treatment and that he gets better from that as well. It's a lot you have to deal with. I'm also hoping good things for your daughter. You are strong people, I hope it all gets better very very soon.

  16. There are so many bugs going around now that Far Guy is better off at home if possible. I sure hope he gets to feeling better soon. He is still in my prayers and I've added your Dad and daughter. It is hard when a loved one is ill and you have got more than your fair share with three. Be sure you take care of yourself too!

  17. I'm so glad you get that time with your Dad. As you know, time is a precious gift. I'm sorry Far Guy and daughter are still sick. There is so much ick out there right now too. Dennis is flying home tomorrow and I'm just praying he doesn't catch anything on the plane. He is scheduled for an endoscopy Monday morning and it's important he doesn't miss it. Medicare can be so frustrating. I'm sorry you have to deal with their ridiculous limitations on top of everything else. Prayers for you all.

  18. I wish some good health around your place.

  19. I sure hope Far Guy feels well again soon.

  20. Well, I'm happy to hear that Bingo went so well! I love Bingo too! I'm sad to hear that Far Guy has gotten worse and had to visit the ER a couple of times. I'm also so sad to hear that your daughter is in the hospital. Such tough ways to start the New Year. Praying that Far Guy is better soon and that your daughter will get out of the hospital soon too. Peace to you both.

  21. I wish I was there I would go to Bingo! I love it. My aunt used to take my cousin and I when we were little before there were rules about alcohol being served. It was held at the VFW and there was a bar in the other room and I guess the Bingo people could drink but my Aunt didn't. Good memories!
    So sorry Far Guy is feeling punk. I think part of the reason I stay so healthy is because I rarely go anywhere. Watch, I'll get sick now. Glad you r Dad was able to go. I sure hope your daughter gets better soon! You have had your share of worries this year! I'll pray for all of you!

  22. Yes, you do have more than your share of worries. Hoping for improvements soon.

  23. Sorry about Far Guy and your daughter. So many germs to pick up when your lungs are compromised, especially in the ER. I try not to socialize in the winter too much because I don't want to bring anything home to make my mother sick. Thankfully I seldom get colds and I have never had the flu. Hopefully, I haven't jinxed myself!

  24. It must be so difficult, with two people you care about so much with serious health issues. Sorry to hear Far Guy's cold is getting worse. Hopefully, with the new meds, he will be on the mend soon!

  25. So sorry to read this about FG and your daughter. Praying for each of you. xoxo


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