Friday, January 10, 2020


My other baby brother called and invited us over for pizza. We had to decline...we were not feeling up to it and didn't want to make them sick.

Ever so thoughtful neighbor and fellow blogger  Leah dropped off a gift.  Thank you Leah!

Far Guy says " You know you have been out of touch when the neighbors bring you paper, pens and stamps!"

"You are never to old to set a new goal or dream a new dream."  C. S.  Lewis

I did not go to Bingo, my Mother said she would accompany Dad this week.

I slept on and off all afternoon.  The cold has settled in my head.

 I had an appointment in the morning for an injection in my left trigger thumb that has been waking me up at night.  (My thumb locks up hurts like heck and wakes me up so I can put it back in place.) Those cortisone injections hurt so terrible...but last time I was trigger and pain free for 8 months...if this injection doesn't work I will have to have surgery to release the pulley that is inflamed.  He said to give it two weeks if I have no results he will schedule the surgery...keeping my fingers and toes crossed.

Far Side


  1. Far Guy has quite the sense of humor! LOL! Lovely gifts though....I love paper products and if there's an office supply store near by I am there! So sorry about your thumb! that's awful, especially when it wakes you up in the middle of the night. I hope the shot works so you don't have to have surgery. You guys have your hands full! Praying you both feel better NOW! Hugs~Sam

  2. Oh my! How long would you be laid up with that?
    I hope the shot works. ...Cringing at the thought of a shot!

  3. Sure hope the shot works for you. Praying that it does. Have a good weekend and hope the cold goes way soon.

  4. Oh, dear....your thumb issue sounds just terrible. I am so sorry to hear it. I hope it gets better before you have to have the surgery.

  5. I had trigger finger in one thumb and two fingers. I had the shots for years. I always told people that it is just like someone sticking a fat giant needle in your hand and wiggling it around for a while. Because it is a giant fat needle they stick in the palm of your hand and wiggle it around. I had the shots again the summer before we retired and changed insurance. They did not work that time, so I scheduled the surgery. I am not sure I would do it again. We did the right hand first and due to swelling, I could not move my fingers for almost 2 weeks. This means you only have one hand to dress, comb your hair, try to cook, and try to potty yourself. They scheduled my second hand 3 weeks later and that was a total disaster. I was left with no hands. I did not change my clothes for over a week, had to have my food cut up so I could eat with two fingers on hand 1 and did not comb my hair for over a month. Luckily my husband was retired so he could assist me in the bathroom. Fun Fun I do have movement in my fingers and I have to remember that the pain does not wake me up in the middle of the night when my finger would involuntarily close in my sleep, but I have lost a lot of strength in my hands and they do ache terribly when I try to use my rotary cutter or sew or do big projects. So - yes, helps with pain. No, is not the easy recovery and complete healing I hoped for. I wish I had waited a few more weeks and tried the shots again.

  6. Hope you both start feeling better! Sounds like NO FUN at your house.

  7. Hope you both start feeling better soon, and the trigger finger issue improves.

  8. Boy, I hope the shot works. Those shots are PAINFUL! I've had them, but, oh, my, the relief when they work.

  9. Continue to rest whenever you can and show the head cold the door. It has outlived its welcome!

  10. When it rains, it pours doesn't it? I'm so sorry you had to miss BINGO with your Dad but I'm glad he still got to go with your Mom. Your neighbor sounds like a keeper. Those are great gifts when you're stuck and home and Far Guy has quite the sense of humor. He sounds like my Dennis.
    I'm so sorry about your finger. Neither surgery or shots sound like much fun to me, but then neither does waking up in pain during the night.
    This getting older isn't for sissies is it? Prayers for both of you.

  11. Hope you feel better soon, dear lady. I have a middle finger that locks up ever so often, it hurts too!
    I have found blogging friends to be extra special and if you live near one, that is even more special


  12. I pray the shot works and you both get to feeling lots better ASAP!
    FarGuy is pretty funny! ;)

  13. The locked fingers thing is so painful. I use to have my wife straighten them when I awaken in the morning. Mine had it many years ago and then it finally went away. I also got it again while working on the house remodel before we moved. Hammering nails causes mine to raise up.

  14. Hope that both you and Far Guy are feeling better soon, and the shot helps with the thumb.

  15. Never thought of that. Stamps would be a good gift for anyone.

  16. Lifting both of you in prayers.

  17. Your finger sounds very painful. Hope the injection fixes it again. Far Guy is funny!

  18. "But Doc! How will I Type with a Bum Thumb?" Will you ever be able to blog again?

  19. Oh my, I hope the shot works! How nice that your neighbors brought a care package! I love that C.S.Lewis quote. I sure hope you both get to feeling better soon. I got hit with a horrible cold and sinus infection right before Christmas and that thing is still hanging on and now Tom has it too. It's just a bad year for things like that. Keeping you both in my thoughts.

  20. I hope that shot helps. The surgery sounds dubious, especially after having read Miss Merry's comment. And you are smart to stay home until you get better, much better. Hospitals are not a safe place to hang out. :-)

  21. I am on nodding and say hi basis with my neighbours which is ok with me

  22. The trigger finger thing sounds horrible. Like a charlie horse that won't go away. I hope the shots help and the you get feeling better soon.

  23. A cold in the head can rally make you feel miserable. I wish you a rapid recovery because I don't want you to miss anymore pizza.

  24. Wow …… the senior years are not for sissies!!! Your cold sounds terrible and your thumb sounds so painful. I'm sorry you are going through these things. Sorry you missed out on pizza at your brother's and Bingo too! Hopefully by next week you'll be feeling better. Hope far guy is getting better too. Peace to you both and good sleeping too!

  25. You both have a lot of unpleasant stuff going on. I hope for a time when you are both healthy and pain free.

  26. Sorry you guys feel so bad. God Bless You Both! I hope you'll see improvement soon.

  27. Good grief...if there weren't enough stuff going on already. Sorry to hear about your trigger thumb acting up again. I've heard those injections are no fun, but here's hoping this one will be a keeper.

  28. I've never heard of the thumb/finger locking up issue but it sounds pretty grim. Hopefully you can get a shot that will help. Here's hoping you feel better real soon.

  29. Hope you folks start feeling better soon.
    I've had the cortisone shots in my thumbs before too. Yes, they hurt, but what relief! I need to get my middle finger on my right hand injected. Like you, it locks up at night then wakes me up. It hurts when I knit too.😣

  30. Far Guy :) LOL - we do miss seeing you, always fun to visit! Hope this weekend you both are really recovering - and feeling better. That thumb sounds like no fun - hope the shot works. Best wishes and stay warm as we get through this (hopefully short) cold snap.

  31. I hope no surgery but pain sucks as does being sick. I'm glad Leah got you a nice surprise and you are hunkered in getting healthy again.


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