Monday, January 6, 2020

Afghan Squares

The crochet along (CAL) project is coming along.
The fancy squares above are called Queen Anne's Lace.  Each fancy flower square has a coordinating simple square.

I laid all the squares out on the bed to get some idea how I was coming along.

The new stitches/squares are fun.  All the ends have been sewn in but the squares still need to be squared up and crocheted together.  The squares way at the top looking lonely are waiting for their flowers pattern partners that will be released tomorrow.   I guess each week must be a row if you do four flower squares and four plain squares.

It was fun to see how it may look someday.  I might need more pops of yellow in the remaining squares...not sure how many more squares are in this project.

Well that was on my list of things to do.  I also got all the downstairs ornaments and the tree upstairs.  I sorted through Christmas totes and eliminated a bunch of stuff...two totes worth.  Then I went through my one tote of fabric is gone.  I have one small container of quilting material that I am keeping.  I will mark the rest of the fabric for a garage sale or give it away.

Progress is slow but sure!  I have kinda a mess up there right I have to work up there for a few days.  Who knows what treasures lurk up there.

Reduce, reuse and recycle to save time at a later date!   I still have a Shiny Brite tree to undecorate but I am still enjoying it as I work upstairs.

Far Side


  1. That afghan will be very pretty when it is finished. I love all the colors and patterns.

  2. I love the colors and patterns in the afghan. I crochet and have a bag of small balls of yarn I've saved for granny squares.

  3. Your granny square afghan is so pretty! I never liked sewing projects together, but crocheting it together wouldn't be too bad. Still a big job though. You will enjoy it for many years once it's done!

  4. This is a really delightful project that will become an heirloom, I suspect. I like all pretty bright colors, too. :-)

  5. How pretty is that? I love all those pops of color in the afghan. It's going to make for a gorgeous snuggle!

  6. You are so productive! I am in awe, as I sit here procrastinating on where to start undecorating.

  7. The afghan is going to be so colorful & pretty!

  8. Downsizing is hard work and time consuming. It sounds like you're making great progress. The afghan project looks fabulous!

  9. Wow! That is going to be such a fun, colorful blanket/bedspread.
    You are really doing a lot of reorganizing and downsizing! Nice! :)

  10. I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO need to be downsizing, but can't seem to motivate. Good for yoU!

  11. I also need to downsize my "stuff". But like the previous comment, motivation is my problem. Love those crocheted squares - so pretty!

  12. That afghan is going to be a stunning keepsake. You are an inspiration to me.

  13. Beautiful! I love how each fancy square has a coordinating plain square. It gives the eye a place to rest and helps the fancy squares to pop. You always get so much accomplished! Where do you get your energy? I need to learn from you!

  14. Awesome...I have one similar to this that my Grandmother made!

  15. Glad you can enjoy the SB tree while you work. Sounds like you are making good progress with sorting and making give-away totes. I love the crochet squares. Love the pops of yellow. We continue to get rid of EVEN sentimental things if we have no need for them. I search out folks who will love the pieces best I can.

  16. I bet you will arrrange and rearrange those squares many times before you are satisfied it’s just right! It’s going to be so lovely.

  17. Love your squares! It's going to be gorgeous when you're all done. I like the green for the border color. I didn't know each flower was supposed to have a coordinating square...I paid no attention and just grabbed colors willy-nilly! LOL!

  18. The Queen Anne's Lace squares are so bright and cheery and what a good idea to also have coordinating squares. What a lot of work is going into your afghan.

  19. My mom would sit in her rocker, sip instant coffee, watch kids getting on the school bus and be making granny squares. You have enough to make a good afghan right now.

  20. Oh, I really like the squares, especially the flower ones. Very pretty!

  21. Well, at least you are enjoying it as you work among all those Shiny Brites!

  22. I'm on a purge too. Manage to fill two big black trash bags with bedding for charity shops, from ONE cupboard!
    I started a gigantic granny square cover while recovering from knee replacement surgery. Just rooted out some more orange and pink yarns to carry on once the weather gets colder. Love sitting by the fire with it over my lap hooking away.

  23. I got rid of a few things today. I plan to disappear a few more things as I clean. I shudder to think that we would be put in a position to have to suddenly have to drastically downsize. It's the time in our lives to consider that.

  24. Glad the project is progressing well, and you're managing to get some decluttering done too.


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