Thursday, January 9, 2020

Crochet Bib Project

I unearthed a project bag from the craft suitcase.

I had several skeins of cotton yarn and a pattern for baby bibs.  A while back I crocheted a bib for one of the Infusion Nurses...for her to try with her baby...she reported that it was a great bib.  So naturally I wanted to make more.

While I was at it...I got sick...first with a very upset stomach, temperature and then a head cold.  So I have been taking it real easy....sleeping a lot and just lounging on the couch crocheting.   Far Guy is still recuperating...he is about the same as he was a week ago...bouts with trouble breathing and a bad cough.  We make quite a pair.

Well I emptied that crochet project bag.  I completed seven bibs( six proper  and one scrappy)and a scrappy cotton washcloth.  The idea with these bibs is that you use them as bibs and when the time for bibs has gone by the wayside you use them for washcloths.

The pattern is simple...Chain 29 stitches then use a pattern of alternating single crochet and double crochet.  When the bib is as big as you like make the neck strap...I think I did a double crochet for six stitches...and just guessed at the length...then join the strap up to the other side of the bib. Easy peasy...just takes time to do!

I finally felt good enough yesterday to venture out in the sub zero temperature and make a grocery run to town.   I insisted that Far Guy stay at home.  I will more than likely miss Bingo this week.

And that project bag that I emptied???   I had a pattern for a baby hat and the right yarn and hook that made it's way into the project bag...and tucked it back in the craft suitcase.

Far Side


  1. Sorry you guys are sick, but glad you got one of your projects completed.

  2. I'm sorry to hear that both you and Far Guy are not feeling well. You've inspired me to use up some of my yarn to make bibs for the unwed mother's home near me. I also like the idea of having project bags. I have lots of yarn and lots of projects but I have to dig for the right yarn when the urge comes to work on something.

  3. Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. Just stay down as much as possible and get well soon.

  4. Gosh, I hope you both feel better soon!

  5. Oh my, I hope you are feeling better soon. Good on you for getting your projects completed, and I'll make not of the instructions for using up some scraps too. :)

  6. Well, you didn't let any moss grow under your feet while you were sick. Those are sure nice looking bibs. :-)

  7. I hope you are both on the mend soon. Those bibs are such a great idea. I can't believe you got so many done.

  8. Nice array of bibs. The scrappy washcloth looks great, too. I hope you and FarGuy start to feel better soon.

  9. I'm so sorry that both of you are under the weather. There are some nasty bugs running amok out there right now. Those bibs look great and I love the idea that they are usable even after the need for a bib is over.
    Take care and stay warm.

  10. My favorite dish cloth is one that is crocheted. Hope you all feel better soon!

  11. I'm sorry you've both been sick. You are smart to rest and not push yourself. I hope you are both better soon.

  12. I hope you are both better! Great idea for the bibs. I'm using up yard too but today I had to buy some cotton yarn - the better to mop up liquids with!

  13. Sorry to hear you have more sickness at your house. That time of year, I guess. Great to have a useful project to occupy the time without making you tired. I hope you bought some treats to enjoy on your grocery run!

  14. What a clever bib/washcloth idea.
    Hope you both feel better soon! :)

  15. What a neat pattern! Plus, it is tested by a real Mom and a real baby! LOL! Thank you as I am not going to get that blanket's taking forever and makes my hand cramp up after one row so it is slow going!
    I hope you feel better. It's so awful to be sick and Far Guy too! Do you have Netflix? Have you watched The Crown? It's really good! Take care!

  16. Colds are going around. Cheryl and I both have one at the moment. Not much fun at all....

  17. I have that cold too. I think it came from dear Grandson to his Dad to me. I read every post you write, thank you for great sharing of life as it is. Hope your colds (both of you!) are beginning to feel better. Great crochet idea - bibs to dish cloths.

  18. Wow....even when you're sick, you still accomplish so much. I'm amazed. Those bibs look darling...the recipients will be very pleased I'm sure. I'm so sorry that you're sick now and far guy is still sick. Sending get well prayers up for the both of you and soon! We have doctor appts. the next two weeks starting the 15th...looks like travel in the snow for next week...pray we can get there's a 4 hour drive for us. yuck. Peace and healthier days to you two!

  19. I like the really colorful ones the best, they make me happy.
    I hope the get well fairy comes by and sprinkles you both with get well dust. The kind that doesn't make you sneeze, but makes you smile.

  20. Too bad both of you are sick now. I hope you get better soon.

  21. What a great idea! Hope you both feel better soon.

  22. You seem to have projects tucked away everywhere. That craft suitcase must be huge!

  23. I used to crochet. It's easier than knitting. I loved making baby sweaters and baby blankets. My hands don't cooperate much for that any more.


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