Friday, January 17, 2020

Shiny Brite

The Shiny Brite tree is still up. 

I am still enjoying it.  I think about all the people in my life that are represented on this tree.  So many.  Far Guy, Chance, Jen, Madeline, Grace, Lillian, Susan, Sandy, Hazel, Edie, Kay, Rae, JoLynn, Cyndi, Leann, Mildred, Minnie, Tom and Linda.

The tree may come down this weekend when we are having a snowstorm...we will see.

I suppose I should undecorate the spinning wheel too.  These garage sale Shiny Brites and the Shiny Brite Card from my friend Mildred have been up for about 13 months now.  I have dusted around them:)

I was at the Thrift Shop the other day...they were having a Christmas I went to "just look"  well...

It seems I failed miserably at just looking.  This Hot Pink Shiny Brite Tree Topper came home with me ...for 27 cents who could resist?  NOT ME!

I did not "sort" yesterday. Appointments were accomplished and a trip to the grocery store and out to lunch at our favorite place.   I did not go to Bingo it was just too cold to go out again in the evening.

Our high was a brief -2 for a minute or two and then went lower ...officially the high was -5 F or -21 C  the low was -26 F or -32 C  eh! ...just another balmy day in Minnesnowda. (Too cold to snow!) Didya know that the snow squeaks differently under your snow boots at different temperatures?  It surely does.

 Far Side


  1. Thank you for putting the temps in Celcius. I'm in SW Nova Scotia and we are finally having snow! 10 cm. it's pretty cold as well, around -5 celcius. This area we don't get much colder than -15 or so.

  2. I used to know someone who left a "special" memorial tree up all year. She said that tree had too many memories to "put" away. Keep warm and safe in this bitter cold.

  3. I've always said if we ever had a proper snow storm (it's been years) I would drag out the tree and put up some lights. I'm still waiting.

  4. I sure do notice how different the sounds of snow underfoot are when it's really cold. It does squeak! :-)

  5. I remember that snow "squeak"! I love your tree but I also love how you decorated your spinning wheel! Stay warm....we have freezing rain this morning but it will be above freezing by mid-morning so no power loss. Thanks for the advice on the bib...I'll just follow your instructions.

  6. Twenty Seven Cents! What a bargain for such a wonderful ornament! The cold has hit here. I went to the grocery store last night in my sneakers. 13 degrees seeps right into my toes. I guess it is leather shoes or boots here on out. Our snow is starting tonight with ice tomorrow. I am having 1, 3 and 5 year olds joining me for an overnight that might turn into a weekend.

  7. It's been -40 the past few days in NE Alberta. One thing about that temp, there's no need to calculate F/C - it's all the same. Your photos are beautiful.

  8. You got a real bargain on that beautiful ornament!! We certainly had squeaky snow the past 2 days here. And today we have a blizzard!!

  9. Glad appointments and lunch out were accomplished. Don't blame you for considering it too cold to go to Bingo afterwards.

  10. I like squeaky snow, but not the temperatures that go with it!

  11. I enjoyed my tree too, for many of the same reasons you did many memories of people, many of them no longer here, on that tree. We took it down this week, but I wasn't really ready. I still have one tree with lights on it outside. I look out into the dark every night and smile at those lights. I promised husband I'd take them down when it gets to be February.

  12. That tree topper is beautiful - mom used to have one years ago! I think we have a heck of storm coming in, it is already windy here! I ended up out last night (it was snow creekin' cold) and I do have to trek to the prairie to the east tonight.

  13. I'd be tempted to leave it up year round! :)

  14. I sure do love that tree! It takes me back to when I was a child. How can you tell if an old ornament is a Shiny Brite if they don't have any markings? I have some old teardrop ornaments but they have no distinguishing markings.

    It warmed up to -2 there? Oh my!

  15. Every time I think I'm going to get to start sorting I get company. Sigh

  16. 27 cents for that tree topper is sure a bargain. I'm glad it came home with you. As I drive through our neighborhood at night I see many trees still up. A lot more than usual. Apparently they bring lots of cheer to people and there's no harm in that is there? I love how you decorated your spinning wheel. I wish I still had mine but I gave it away.
    I know that snow crunch very well. Dennis was out at 10:00 last night snow-blowing again and no more snow fell overnight. Hallelujah! A brief break before it starts again this evening. Why do we live here again? Sometimes I wonder but our summers are glorious.
    Take care and stay warm.

  17. When the temp is very low that squeak gets very loud. I remember the horses and how the snow squeaked under their feet.

  18. I love to see your Shiny Brights-they bring back memories of Christmas when I was a little girl!

  19. The shiny brites are so cool. Your tree looks great. You have so many that you don't have to spread them to make them cover the tree. I took my canning jar of olddxt brites to storage yesterday which means they sit in my workshop where I see them the rest of the year. We are feeling your pain today with the winter weather.

  20. Through you I have come to a real appreciation for vintage ornaments, and especially shiny Brites.

  21. Tempatures in the minus are not experienced here in Newie

  22. The Shiney Brite tree topper was a great find. But how does one recognize a Shiney Brite. Are the words somewhere on it.

    1. The tree toppers have no markings on then, most of the ornaments have the words Shiny Brite made in USA on the top of the metal cap.

  23. Love your shiny brite tree and your spinning wheel all decorated too. Poor Bingo....I bet they miss you. Hope the weather gets better so you and your dad can go next week. We were traveling back from Milwaukee and medical appts. last night and the temp kept dropping on the dashboard of the car. Feels better today but now the snow comes. Best to stay in and cozy warm! All the best to you two!

  24. The snow squeaks different when colder and also doesn't stick to the boots when real cold. One advantage of the cold!

  25. This storm is holding us all hostage this weekend!!!

  26. We had a tree topper like that when I was a kid. Alas, we lost everything in a house fire in 1969.
    If snow squeaks it's cold out! Ours is still in the shushy sound.

  27. That is such a gorgeous tree. I don't blame you for enjoying it as long as possible. What a great find/deal on the SB tree topper. It was so exciting for me to find the SB card to share with you. I continue to pray for you and Gene. Sending my love.

  28. Squeaky snow differentiation? Now, that's a Minnesota thing!

  29. Shiney brite is a brand of ornament? Very neat. I did not know that. As for the weather? Uff, it is wicked cold here too. Well, we are further south, but wicked cold for our normal.

  30. I finally took our tree down yesterday. I miss it :-(.


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