Saturday, October 24, 2015

Rainy Day Project

“A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away.” ~ Eudora Welty

Years ago I purchased a photo storage system from Creative Memories.  It hung around empty.  One day last week Jen needed a photo of Maddie…well I made a complete mess out of the old photo storage box that you couldn’t squeeze one more photo into.

I had photos all over my desk…it was a mess.

It started raining here Thursday night and rained all day Friday.  You guessed it.

It was a lovely trip down memory lane.  I gave up on photo albums back in 1995 when everything went into storage and I was lucky to have a box to stick photos into. Just you try moving three times in four years…four times if you count the 15 months we lived in the camper. Let me tell you sizing down to a camper will make you think twice about what you really need.

Creative memories Photo Storage Box

Now the photos are sorted by person.

Another photo storage box

The old photo box that used to be stuffed to the gills has room for more photos.

Christmas Greetings

The Christmas Photos/Greetings that I like to keep have their own box. I am thinking about putting these into page protectors and into a three ring binder.

I am not certain what my next step will be with the loose photos.  Photo Albums…some of the old ones we have are a mess…some photos are stuck to pages forever…and some are falling out of their albums. That is a project for another day or three.

For now I am glad all the loose photos are together in one place.  Next winter I think I will download some of the photos of the grandchildren and have them printed out at Wally World.  I print out very few photos…perhaps it is time.

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  1. How neat! Nothing stresses me out like thinking about the ten thousand pictures in boxes and old albums around here. I've never come up with a good plan. Maybe a box like yours. Thank you!

  2. Up until 5 years ago or so, my albums were all up to date. Then I started storing photos on the computer instead of getting them printed out and now it would be a gargantuan and expensive task to print and make albums. I don't know what to do. I worry that I can't store information on the digital photos (like you can write on the back of a printed photo, or underneath it in an album) and someday no one will know who the people are or what the occasion. What to do, what to do!
    Your box looks so nice and organized now. Good job for a rainy day.

  3. I went from albums to boxes a long time ago, too. Even with film, i took too many!

  4. That is something I need to do. When I was posting birthday messages for the grandchildren each year I did some preliminary sorting. Now I'm trying to figure out what to do with the family photos on the computer.

  5. Years ago, I sorted photos by person, too. I finally scanned the ones I wanted, and then last year gave each person their box of the photos. I need to organize the older photos now.

  6. It's raining here too ! I've also found it is a good time to concentrate on those inside projects.

  7. I need to do something with our old photos, probably will scan them and put them on a disc, the albums take up too much room and I'd spill boxes.

  8. Great accomplishment! I think I may never get to tell that tale.

  9. I sure need to do the same.------ and it is raining here!

  10. It's nice to have the photos all sorted out. Must do that too.

  11. Our photos are in good order. the problem we have is with slides. they are all in boxes. The projector died so the next thing is scanning and that's a monster challenge.

  12. Very nice! I'm still doing the photo albums but they're generally only include my travel photos. They'll mean nothing to anyone else in years to come but at least I can flip through them and remember. Though sadly I haven't always remembered to record where we were so perhaps I won't remember either!

  13. I love looking through old photos ! We have a printer / scanner and Papa scanned all the photos and put them in the computer and on DVD"s Now a days you can turn all old photos , slides and even reel to reel pics or movies on to DVD'S . Thanks for sharing , great post , have a good day !

  14. I have boxes of photos too and have tried to organize them by person but what to do with those that have 2 or 3 people on them. I'm sorry to say I've given up but maybe I'll try again in winter.

  15. Bet that was a relief to get that project done! Don't worry, you will have plenty more rainy days for getting the next projects done as well ;)

  16. I also love to look through old photos but now everything is in boxes, totally unorganized. I will do what you have done one of these days, but not soon. :-)

  17. I went from messes of photos in boxes to photos stored on the computer...well, maybe in cyberspace. I still don't understand all of that. The closest thing I will probably ever come to a scrapbook is my blog--LOL! ;)

  18. I NEED to get myself together so I can get organized!


  19. Been there done that but I admit most of my photos went in the trash. Still scanning family photos tho - that reminds me I need to get that back on the project list!

  20. Oh, that's a biggy for me too. Maybe this Winter? Good for you and I like how you organized by person as much as possible.


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