Sunday, October 18, 2015

Our Yard

We worked in the yard again yesterday…blowing leaves and mulching.  This is the fifth go round.  Far Guy filled all the little homemade net bags with mothballs and hung them in the trees…it is suppose to make it smelly enough that skunks won’t enter the yard.

Fifth go round mulching

The grass is still green…must be all the good chopped up leaves.


I pulled out the marigolds and the salvia…the little flower bed looks bare.

Troublemaker tree

If this troublemaker tree would just give up his leaves I could be almost done.  This tree is near my garage…and is always responsible for leaves inside my garage if the door is left open for any length of time.

After yard work I watched two movies this week… Benny and Joon and Philomenia both which I give five out of five stars.  I enjoyed them both.  No sense in having Netflix if I don’t watch a least one movie a week.

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  1. Hate to think about it but guess the snow stick comes out next for you.
    Believe it or not I am going to miss raking leaves this year.
    Someone said they got light cover of snow over in New York last night.

  2. Oh Benny and Joon- I haven't seen that one in a long time! We are dealing with pine straw here..keep raking and raking, but we can't do anything with the piles because of the burn ban...may have to just bag it all, since no sign of rain anytime soon. Have a great Sunday!

  3. We have fir needles and cedar droppings, not easy to rake out or suck up with the lawn mower. Some of it will just melt into the lawn. It will stay put on the beds and get cleaned off the hard surfaces, to be spread out on the pathways. Leaves will come next, and they will be raked off the lawn and spread out in the beds. It all stays here and goes back into the soil. Autumn clean up is a lot of work, but it is rewarding to see everything put to bed for the winter.

  4. I am so far behind I am considering calling the leaves mulch and let them stay still spring!

    Great get ready to put out your snow stick.

    Have a blessed day.

  5. I loved those two films, too - great stories. The tree in my backyard is a troublemaker - always the last to drop its abundance of leaves and usually when the weather is nasty.

  6. There is always one tree...very irritating!


  7. Thanks for the movie recommendations. I go to watch a movie and I can never think of the name of something
    I would like to watch. You are really good with the yard work and staying on top of things. IT makes me mad that I have waited all summer for this weather and now I'm "crippled up" to an extent. I'm a "slow boat to China" right now but I'm still moving so that's good. Your yard looks very nice as always.

  8. I loved both of those movies and have watched Bennie and Joon several times as my kids loved it. Enjoy that green grass before everything turns brown!

  9. Yup Papa and I are now done the gardens and yard for the season well still more blowing and mulching for us to for now but everything else is done ! Yup love Netflix to . Getting cold here and the winds have that nip to them now ! Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

  10. We are finding that we do not miss doing yard work at all now that we have become apt dwellers in NH. Of course, as our VA home remains unsold, we still have upkeep and maintenance to do so now someone else is cutting the lawn. Still we like walking through fallen leaves as long as we don't have to rake them up!

  11. I hear you when it comes to the fall yardwork. Mine is officially finished and I'm about to put the hoses away.

  12. I saw Philomena - - - - broke my heart. People have really had some rough experiences in life for sure.
    Your yard looks good. Will the glass flowers survive the freezing temps? Or maybe I asked you that before.

  13. Thanks for the tip to keep skunks out of the yard. I may give these a try and hope they work for possums, too!

  14. Years ago, on a plane, I saw Benny and Joon but since I was too cheap to pay for the headphones I didn't hear the dialogue. *smile* I did enjoy Philomena a lot and plan on watching it again one day soon.

  15. Good work! In spite of our frosts, the trees are still full of leaves over here.

  16. There's always one troublemaker, isn't there? Shouldn't be too long now. I remember watching Philomena and loving it. I'll look up that other one. :-)

  17. Loved Philomena. I am always drawn to movies based on a true story.
    Your stubborn tree will have to give up its leaves sooner or later. Or does it hang on to some all winter, as some trees do? The yard really looks good!

  18. I feel for you on the yard, my usually late tree gave up leaves early but then all the old pine needles let go in the back, so I gave in and raked, then 60mph winds and I had needles everywhere. Sigh....some days snow wouldn't look so bad!

  19. One of our tree's is sick. Half of it dead. Ugh! I will miss it because it is in the front yard and our only real
    shade tree.
    Joy @ Books and Life


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