Friday, October 2, 2015

October is here

Leaf mulching has begun.  I did the whole yard yesterday.  Every couple of days I will mulch leaves until they overcome me and I have to use the rake or until the trees are bare.  We had a bit of a frost that nipped one of the marigolds and killed my last sunflower.IMG_0813

The grass is green and still growing.

There are no real pretty trees in our yard but a friend has some beautiful Maples in her yard.


We have been working on something from our list every day.  We filled in the hole a certain dog dug after his pool was put away for the summer… we lost misplaced used up a whole bag of grass seed…either that or we are both going nuts.

We had a real adventure the day we decided to take off the front door, load it onto the wagon behind the three wheeler and take it to the greenhouse/woodshop to be repainted.  Those doors are really heavy…really heavy…we made it but there was a reason the last time it needed to be painted …I painted it in place… I was smarter then I guess.

We are working on the wood carved Christmas ornaments again, the afternoons have been too nice to be indoors.

I got the kitchen and dining room windows washed!  They look so pretty sparkling clean!

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  1. Man I am tired just reading what you did, good job.:) Hug B

  2. You are a busy beaver. If I didn't know better I would say you are getting ready for Winter. You and Far Guy get an "Atta Boy" for all your hard work. Have a great weekend.

  3. That tree is gorgeous! It's great to get things clean and sparkling, isn't it? :-)

  4. Yard cleanup has begun here too, and each morning I find more and more leaves in the same place.

  5. it's always great to have clean windows but it is hard work!

    Shirley H.

  6. I'm painting again also. Got my bedroom done, now I need to get the bathroom and back porch. If the weather holds I will paint the upstairs rooms. My arm is not like it used to be 10 years ago...I have to let it rest for a couple of weeks before I can start again.


  7. I don't mulch leaves but I mulch all garden refuse. Our leaves are dropping quickly.

  8. Yep paint it on site next time. I understand why you thought you should move them but doors are really heavy. I helped move fire doors at school a summer ago and it seemed silly to move over 100 doors off site and then return them. They had to bring in a specialist to reset all the locks on all the double doors.

  9. Oh too bad about the frost...sorry for your sunflower loss.

    I can understand the door dilema...but around here if I removed it something would waltz it's way in and make it's self at home...either a deer, a bear, a cat, or those stinking stink bugs...or maybe that big as my thumb spider that was hanging out on the door jamb the other day.

    Well at least you have your door painted...the previous owners painted ours a rusty brown...which only now looks wonderful in the Autumn to my eyes.


  10. That time of year again where we clean up from summer as we have been doing bit by bit here to . It is windy and cold here today so I brought in my geraniums gave them a good dose of bug be gone wiped down the outside of the pots trimmed them up and they are still in full bloom in my living room window now Rain for this weekend but hope to finish the garden clean up for good by the end of the weekend ! Lovely photos . some trees here have fully changed and some have not . Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

  11. Good idea, having a list of things that need doing. I have one too, but it's in my head and I keep forgetting what it was I meant to do. We did get my storage closet painted today. Latex paint may not smell as bad as oil but it still has a peculiar stink.

  12. Your yard is looking nice! And those maple leaves are stunning.

  13. What do you mean by "mulching" the leaves. To me that means raking them up off the lawn and putting them into the planting beds. Do you mean running them through the lawn mower?

    1. Yes, I mince them into tiny pieces so they go back into the lawn. I have mulching blades on my lawn I mulch the grass clippings all summer is a great activity! :)

  14. You really are in the squirrel-gathering-her-nuts autumn phase! I hope you get to check off everything on your list before it gets too cold to work outside. :)

  15. That is a pretty tree. John ordered 10 tiny ornamental trees (sticks!) that will arrive in Nov. One is a sugar maple which should be very colorful in years to come. I really need to clean our windows!

  16. You're getting more done than I am. Please send any extra energy down this way! :)


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