Saturday, April 12, 2014

Robin, Paige,TaDa and Hockey

One little Robin is frequenting the yard.  

The robin

Usually they make a nest on the east side of Far Guy’s garage invariably on top of a wooden ladder that leans against the garage or behind the rakes and shovels.

Robins nesting platform

Far Guy made them a nesting platform.  It will be interesting to see if they use it.  It’s not much to look at…an old shelf bracket and a piece of wood, but it is sturdy.  He described it to me as a “Nesting platform with it’s own perch.”

We had an ice cream date with Paige this week, it was too windy to sit outside and enjoy frozen Lake Bemidji while we ate ice cream so we just sat in the car…Chance thought that was great, he sat in between Paige and Maddie.  You know it’s spring when all the Dairy Queens open.  Other people may take DQ’s for granted…not us people in Minnesota!

Paige 15 years old

Paige’s 15 year old photo.

Paige is attending a Hockey Skills School, she was a little nervous. Right now she is a level one going for a level two…I told her to stop being nervous and just skate her best. Paige really enjoys Ice Hockey.

We have a new little addition to our family.  My baby brother called, he has a new Granddaughter in Oregon.  Mother and baby are doing just fine! As of yet the baby remains unnamed so my brother is calling her “TaDa”  this is grandchild number three for him.  Number four is due next month.

The Sioux/North Dakota lost Thursday night to Minnesota…it was a tense game…especially the last period.  We are Sioux fans but we now will root for Minnesota to win the Frozen Four!  Hockey Season is just about over.  As for the riots in the cities…you riot because you won how stupid is that?

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  1. I can't believe I am the first comment...that IS a first! Your grand daughter is so pretty and I will be rooting for her in her class 2. She'll do fine I'm sure. You are so right...DQ's are the second sign of Spring...skunks being the first. LOL!
    Congratulations on being a "grand" Aunt? Isn't it amazing what 2 people can start? Today, I 'm going to actually go dig in the soil and maybe throw some paint around outside. Have a great Spring day!

  2. Is there such a thing as sore winners? I hope they loose...

  3. I'm going to play around in my garden and put in some seeds today. I'm so glad to hear that the robins are back in your neck of the woods. I do hope they nest there, but don't they needs some sort of cover in case it rains? That's how little I know about bird nesting habits. :-)

    1. Hope FarSide doesn't mind me answering.....the robin condo is probably under the eave.

  4. Morning, yay!!! Nice yo see a Robin... Your Granddaughter is so pretty, good for her.... blessings Francine.

  5. Your granddaughter is very pretty. I can't believe that people riot because they either lost or won. That is just plain stupid.

  6. I hope TaDa doesn't stick as the baby's name, but I did chuckle when I read it.

    Ice cream is great no matter what the weather or thermometer shows!

  7. Your ice cream run sounds perfect. Ice cream, a happy dog, and people who love him.

  8. That is wonderful picture of Paige!

  9. Good advice to lovely Paige (what a nice photo of her!). We quite often have a robin that nests in the rafters of the barn leanto.
    Don't get me started on hockey riots.........Vancouver has embarrassed itself twice when loosing the Stanley Cup. This last time, 2 or 3 years ago maybe (I'm not a hockey fan), because of cellphones, and social media, quite a lot of people have been charged and convicted. Many of the better citizens of the city stepped in the next morning and went out to clean up and help those whose businesses had been damaged or looted.

  10. Paige is very pretty! We love Dairy Queen around here. Poppy and I used to drive thru, get a blizzard, then park and watch the traffic pass. Funny, we don't do that anymore. Poppy is turkey hunting today. Wait til I show him your last post!

  11. I have robins chasing me out of the backyard today, so I am sure they have a nesting sight picked out. My dad made me a nesting platform similar to yours and I made one to fit on a post in the grape arbor. Do they use them? No! They nest in some silly, precarious place where I would rather they didn't! I hope yours is a smarter robin.

  12. Hey, our Dairy Queens are open all year. I remember when they were only open in the summer. Robins like nesting on platforms so I'm sure you'll have a renter.

  13. Makes you think they should just do away with sports.
    Congratulations on the new baby! Enjoy your weekend. ♥

  14. It never occurred to me the Dairy Queen would close for the winter! I guess we do take them for granted.
    So DQ ice cream is a way of celebrating spring. I like it!


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