Saturday, April 19, 2014

A little makeover

One of the little Goldfinches braved the gale force winds yesterday and visited the feeders. 

He is undergoing his spring makeover.



He is a hungry little thing.

Goldfinch April 18 2014

He will get a bright yellow color which he needs to attract a mate.

Wouldn’t it be nice to just shed all your feathers and get brand new ones every spring…never looking older.  Laughing at old age…or never quite getting there.

We watched an episode of Hoda and Kathy Lee yesterday.  They were showing men's fashions.  It was quite entertaining.  They said shorts and sandals were “in” for men.  I asked Far Guy when he was going to start wearing them?  He replied “When my white legs get spindly like toothpicks.”  I asked him if he would wear socks with his sandals…well of course just like in the olden days.  The other day in wallyworld I caught him looking at the wild summer shirts…he likes them but they were all sold out of his size in the most wild pattern.  He will not be wearing any of those sweaters that get tied around his waist or any of those men's scarfs…or the funny looking femmy jackets over a wild summer shirt.  Possibly he is past the age of makeovers…and there is no need for him to attract other women anyway.

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  1. They do look a bit funny in between, don't they?!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

    1. LOL I was still thinking of Far Guy looking at the wild shirts....

  2. Such a pretty little thing, half way to bright colors. I have often wondered why we humans decorate the gals and the guys are drab. Sounds like I haven't been paying attention. :-)

  3. I agree with DJan. It seems unfair that the men don't get to toss on bright spring colors when the weather warms. I say buy up some Hawaiian shorts and shirts for Far Guy!

  4. Perhaps Far Guy would be more comfortable wearing a bright cap or hat.

  5. Oh, too funny! Hoda and Kathy Lee drink a lot for a morning show....I was shocked that they have lushes on t.v..
    Did Kathy Lee take up drinking after her husband had that affair? Curious minds want to know. I decided on divorce as opposed to staying married and drinking too much. LOL!

  6. Oh your to funny, made my morning but spit my coffee all over myself, Francine.

  7. They are a special little bird. I don't see many of them but the neighbor next to the corn field sees them often. Barney takes Cosequin DS for his joint pain. Buy it at wally mart pet zone. Expensive. We were told by the vet to just give one a day and it would eventually take effect. Barney has improved a lot. I guess there is a human vitamin but our vet said it was inconsistent in true amounts per pill. Our dog really likes the taste of it once he tried it. I tried to email but my school comp. didn't want to cooperate. I think Della gave one and a half later for the first few days.

  8. Yes, it would be nice to shed the old outer skin and get new! Mine definitely is showing age this year - - no matter how much lotion I use. Kind of depressing to look at "old person skin". At least I'm alive to see it - - - right?!! One reason why Far Guy should "consider" the make-over - -- or at least try the wild clothes on is so you have one more thing to use on the blog!!! Just take pics of the backs of the shirts if he doesn't want to model the entire thing!!!

  9. The Goldfinch looks like it rolled in dust. We don't see a lot of them here, and not until summer I think.

  10. You tickle me! Poppy would never wear pink or yellow or any of the colors men are wearing now. Camo green is about as bright as it gets around here! Wouldn't it be nice to look fresh and new every spring like the little Finches!!

  11. Haha. Shorts and white legs reminds me of the time my brother from Denver came to Wisconsin to visit our dad. When Dad came out of the house wearing shorts (and skinny white legs), my brother called, 'Hey Dad, is that you? or are you riding a chicken??' LOL

  12. Wow! That last phrase could go many ways and I'm not starting anything!

  13. Hi ya! John was teasing me for wearing socks with my sandals recently! My legs are very white, too!!!
    Hope you guys have nice Easter. Love to all. Hugs to Chance.

  14. "Wild summer shirts"? Hmmmm...might you mean Hawaiian shirts? There is an abundant supply of those in our closet... ;)

  15. The only bird I've ever seen molt is a chicken.....they must do the deed on their way north.

  16. Seattle is known for its socks with sandals. We do not find it strange at all. :-) How else are you going to keep your feet warm in out cool summers.
    At least birds get to change back into the same outfits year after year. They don't have to worry about going out of style.

  17. Never too old for a fun new shirt or a makeover.

  18. Wild shirts are always cool! Happy Easter you great Far People!


  19. We wouldn't want FarGuy to have too much plumage! ;)


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