Saturday, April 5, 2014

Just ducky

I had a chance to photograph some ducks recently.   They are fun to watch, Chance likes to watch them too!

  A Mallard lady duck had a real attitude…I think it may go something like this.

The duck in front is a show off

Been a long winter hasn’t it?

Sick and Tired of winter

ACK!! I am sick and tired and tired and sick of winter and snow and cold.  ACK!!

Feels better now

I feel much better now!

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  1. Morning Connie, love to Se the ducks, great shots, Blessings Francine

  2. Morning . Cute photos . I love watching nature . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  3. LOL. That is EXACTLY what they're saying! And I agree about winter and snow and cold, 'ACK!!!'

  4. Now it looks like the duck is having a bath in the snow. I've seen other birds bath in the snow but not ducks.

  5. I love your blog Photography! Its awesome. IM with her…go away winter!!

  6. I share the duck's sentiment about the long winter. I think an end is finally in sight.

  7. You and lady duck are birds of a feather.

  8. I can relate to that duck, that's exactly how I feel !

  9. I think we are all a little confused, yes.
    Looked like a sunny day!

  10. LOL. I can totally relate. My cat let me know there was a pair of mallards checking out a bush right under the front windows for a nesting spot the morning. She has a special teeth nattering/ackackack sound for ducks and crows.

  11. Oooo great shots.....I like the yakking or is that quacking too!

  12. Those Mallards are pretty funny to watch sometimes:)


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