Thursday, April 17, 2014

Spring Snow

We got a dusting of snow, the big snow went south of us again. We did get the cold air which must have come straight from the Artic Circle.

Driveway April 16 

Not much to see that looks like spring yet.  Not even a hint of green.

Chance and some fresh snow

Chance loves having fresh snow to eat.

We had dental checkups.  Far Guy passed.  I needed one filling and a little touch up on a tooth that they agitated during the cleaning and the exam.  I am relieved to have that all over for another six months.  Fresh cracked wheat flatbread is the reward for going to the Dentist as the best little bakery in all of Minnesota is next to the Dentist’s Office in Menahga.

I finally recouped from the late night outing for the Blood Moon photos.  I heard my Grandson  Noah wanted to see the lunar eclipse too…he said he was cold all the next day.  I have an old lady corn bag that I heat in the microwave for three minutes…I took that to sleep with me and I was warm in no time.

I started to clean out a few cupboards in the kitchen… I have enough flour for about a year.  I must have bought flour every time it was on sale.

We are working on the Christmas Ornament woodcarvings just about everyday.  Progress is slow…but we knew it would be.  I ordered special boxes to house the ornaments and they were delivered yesterday…so I can make labels and start stacking them in a laundry basket.  Six ornaments are ready for names and boxing.  We are crusin’ along!

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  1. Morning, oh at least only a dusting of snow. Cold here still, no Spring in site. Blessings Francine.

  2. It is always good to have the dentist over and done with. I had "horror" visits to one certain dentist when we were younger and it still almost sends me in a panic attack to go for check-ups. Our best and gentlest dentist retired a few years ago.
    I have a (think it's rice or a grain) bag that stays by my bedside or the microwave. I have a major muscle in my thigh that can wake me up in crippling pain in the middle of the night. That heated bag calms it faster than anything else known to man. The heat also helps lull me back to sleep.
    I'm excited about your Christmas ornament progress. By the time you reveal them, you may be tired of looking at them but it will be a beautiful surprise for us to view. Hope your Easter weekend is wonderful!

  3. We missed it too though Its cold and dreary today. What's this with dogs eating snow. Lily does it too. And not to quibble about who has the best small town bakery but we have a wonderful one also. Most sadly though it's the only one left in our county our of many who all disappeared under the effect of the big box stores in Rochester. A now elderly couple operate Spring Valleys and when they soon retire that will be the end...:(

  4. My dentist appointment is next month, and I'm hoping I get away as easy as you did. X-rays this time. She does them once a year. It seems strange that you are working on Christmas ornaments in spring, but your snow makes it look more like the right season! :-)

  5. Busy, busy, busy. I am also so glad when my dental checkup is over. Lucky this last time - I got an A on my report card. No snow here just bitter cold. Need to start my spring cleaning , just don't have any ambition yet. You'll have to show us the ornaments when they are finished.

  6. I'm so sorry Spring has been delayed for you but if it makes you feel any better, we have had frost every night for the past 3 nights. It's only 38 right now. The sun is shining brightly and they keep saying it will warm up. It's normally in the 70's this time of year.
    Good for you guys on the ornaments! I have one present done for next year but the holidays in between have kept me busy and now I'm working on birthdays as there are 3 this summer. But today I am taking it easy as yesterday trying to get everything baked, wrapped and mailed for Easter wore me out. Happy Spring...whenever.

  7. About an inch of snow fell over the weekend, but oh my, did a bitter wind accompany it!

    Just had my dental appointment, too. I wasn't so lucky and ended up needing a crown, which made a hole in my wallet.

  8. Winter doesn't seem to know when to quit. At this rate summer will be short! I know I shouldn't think that way.

  9. We got the snow this time. Not sure how much but everything is covered in white. I have a dentist appointment this afternoon for a filling. Since we no longer have a bakery I might have to treat myself to a DQ

  10. Lucky you with the dentist. I go back in two weeks to get the permanent crown on one tooth, and a root canal done in another. I will have more than used up this year's dental plan amount, and it's only April. I keep wondering when I should just opt for dentures, but those have their issues too. My teeth are held together with fillings, crowns and root canals. I don't think there is one that is in it's natural state.
    Snow and bitter cold just seems too much to take after you have been teased by Spring. I was in capris and no heat in the house for a week, but that has changed and we are back into the wet and cooler weather.
    You are like the retail outlets, getting ready for a season months and months ahead. Congrats on your progress with the ornaments:)

  11. We got a little snow and a lot of slippery. Warmer days ahead! Nice you have the dentist over for awhile. I never look forward to mine, either.

  12. I have an old lady rye bag that I take to bed with me.......we had a skiff last night and they're talking more tonight. If I knew spring would only last three days I'd have done more ;)

  13. I worked until midnight before the Blood Moon….Im still tired. I stayed up until 2:02 am saw the blood moon and collapsed in the extra bedroom. I didn't even take off my clothes….

  14. I had no idea we were experiencing a lunar eclipse. As far as the dentist visit? My nerves be on edge fearing the dentist might just hit something they ain't suppose to. I can't tell you the hack job my former dentist did on me and they she blow like the wind to become a military dentist. I know those ornaments are going to be just lovely hanging on your tree. Cheers!!

  15. I think that dratted Blood Moon is why I got sick. I stayed outside in the cold too long trying to get a decent shot, but they all turned out blurry. I couldn't hold the camera still. Lucky you to have the dentist visit behind you, I need to go and hate it, I'd rather get a pap done! Take care.

  16. I was wondering if Chance was munching on some fresh snow...or spotting a critter...

  17. This hot one day cold the other is unnerving. I keep wanting to go out and work and it just too early.

  18. COME ON SPRING...everyone is more than ready!


  19. The snow makes working on Christmas ornaments a little easier--LOL! Let's hope that was the last one.
    Karma likes to lick snow, too, as you know. As kids we loved to eat nice white fresh snow. Just something about it, I guess. :)


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