Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wistful Wednesday: Paige

Paige was born 15 years ago yesterday.  The littlest sister in her family..the baby.

Recently we reminded Miss Paige that when she was little she cried a lot.  Savannah kept track and Paige cried about 60 times in just one day.  Savannah says now that maybe she put down two hash marks on the fridge when it should have been just one.  Sisters.

Another time we were babysitting in Nebraska whilst the parents went on vacation.  As soon as their Mom walked into the kitchen Miss Paige pushed Grandpa toward the garage saying “You can leave now.”

Everyone had a big laugh about the time I had Paige in Dick’s  Grocery Store In Elkhorn…she wanted something and when I said no she started hollering “You are not my Mom!”  Every time she screamed that at the top of her lungs.  I would say loudly “I am your Grandma and you have to listen to me.” Quietly I would say “Paige be quiet.” By the grace of God the Police were not called. 

Paige 2006

She is fearless and will try just about anything once.  This was in 2006, she would have been 7 years old.  We all went on a houseboat trip way up north.  The houseboat had a upper deck slide.

Paige and the houseboat 2006

Here she is with the houseboat.  All of the children had a blast fishing, playing in the water and exploring the many islands of Lake Namakan and Lake Kabetogama.

Paige 2007

The first day of school in 2007.  This is the year that Paige began playing Hockey.

Paige Hockey 2013

Paige playing Hockey 2013-2014.

Paige and her long hair bored with Grandma

Paige avoids my camera as much as she can and usually closes her eyes or makes faces.   Since I took this photo she cut her long locks and donated them.

Fifteen…it seems like it happened so fast.  I heard that she took her permit to drive test on her birthday and of course she passed.  All this from the little girl that drove her fire engine down the steps and broke her leg when she was about 2 years old.

Happy Birthday Paige!

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  1. Wonderful memories, even the ones that didn't seem so wonderful at the time. I can hear her yelling, "You're not my mom!"

  2. You have a grandchild to be proud of - she is beautiful, smart, generous, and athletic.

  3. Happy Birthday Paige!

  4. Birthday wishes for pretty Paige, love the lake shots, can't wait, Blessings Francine.

  5. What a great person she is! Don't let her try skydiving, she might like it, and then where would you be? :-)

  6. What a sweetie and what great stories. Happy Birthday Paige!

  7. What a fun girl! I can just the imagine the embarrassment when she was yelling "you are not my Mom!" and the fear that the police would be called. A story to laugh at now though:)

  8. Wow, she is the kind of girl that will make an impact on the world!

  9. I think she has already made an impact on the world around her.
    Happy Birthday Paige!

  10. I can tell she brings her grandparents a lot of joy! She is a beautiful young lady.

  11. She sounds like a normal vigorous healthy kid. Just think of all the great adventures you've had with her.

  12. That independent streak will serve Paige well as she gets older!

  13. I see and E.R> nurse on its way…if Only I had known Al was going to be a FAntastic ER nurse I could have enjoyed her childhood more

  14. Well, happy birthday to Paige! Time does fly when it they are growing up.

  15. The unsinkable Molly Brown! What a girl. Happy Birthday!

  16. Okay, so maybe it was only 59 times in one day. Really. Some people just need to get their records straight ;)

    Happy birthday, Paige!

  17. Congrats on Miss Paige passing her test and Happy Belated Birthday.


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