Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Roses and Hearts

We visited Living Legacy Gardens near Staples Minnesota recently.

They had some very impressive roses.


This one was not marked.  It is some kind of hardy rose to withstand our winters.  The foliage was nice too.

George Vancouver

This one is part of the Explorer Series it is called George Vancouver.  That is one stem with all those blossoms..like a bouquet!  I was impressed with the blooms but not with the foliage. The foliage had blackspot and looked sparse and not real pretty.

The Bleeding Hearts were still blooming. 

Bleeding Hearts

Dicentra spectabilis

White Bleeding Hearts two

Dicentra spectablis ‘Alba’

The Tall Garden Phlox will be in bloom in a few weeks and all their Lilies were heavy in bud.  The gardens have something blooming all summer.  All the work is done by volunteers. It is a great place to visit but they have a bumper crop of skeeters this summer. Much like the rest of Minnesota:(

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  1. Morning, so beautiful, I can never grow Roses, but I do keep trying.....Francine.

  2. Beautiful - especially the bleeding hearts. Hard to enjoy being outdoors with the mosquitoes. We have a bumper crop too.

  3. Those are some beautiful flowers. I love to visit flower gardens and see all the flowers the I myself am unable to grow. Bumper crop here also.

  4. Oh, I just LOVE your new header, with Chance in his element. And the flowers are lovely, too. :-)

  5. Beautiful blooms. Steer clear of those mosquitoes!!

  6. Lovely flowers I would love to see; skeeters, not so much.

  7. Such beauty is contained in those flowers..what a great idea. Poor gardeners, most likely get bitten to shreds when they garden.


  8. Beautiful flowers. I have a brown thumb so I admire the work of others. :)

  9. Those roses are just beautiful! The skeeters are here in full force, especially with all the rain we have been getting with the hot and muggy weather.

  10. It's amazing what they can do with plants. A rose with this many blossoms has to be awesome.

  11. Lovely flowers. Bleeding hearts are among my favorites.

  12. Captain George Vancouver...there's a few places named after him in this neck of the woods:) Maybe the foliage on the rose was suffering from your rain? I find your compressed flowering season interesting. The Bleeding Hearts were blooming months ago here, and the my first Phlox started blooming a week ago.

  13. Those Bleeding Hearts are so delicate. What lovely compositions they make. And the roses are stunning!

  14. Hate the skeeters, love the flowers!

  15. I think everyone has a bumper crop of skeeters this year. Thanks for the lovely flower pictures, Connie. :-)

  16. Gorgeous shots of the flowers! Your photography skills are awesome!

  17. I'd rather have a bumper crop of roses or bleeding hearts than mosquitoes--LOL! :)

  18. Lovely! I could just smell them clear over here!

    Skeeters are biting flies are terrible here also.



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