Friday, July 19, 2013

Date Night at the Fair

Every year we have a date night the week of the County Fair.  We go into town and find the Pork Producers Stand and order up pork burgers.  Then we look around for French Fries and Cheese Curds and a Coke. ( I ate greens for lunch)  Oh clogging up your arteries good food, I do not have high cholesterol but Far Guy does if he doesn’t take his medication. 
Expo Wheel
We walked around the midway and Far Guy bought a Grape Sno Cone.
Times have changed when a Grape Sno cone comes in a plastic cup..what happened to the white paper cup with the picture of the frozen mountain and the snowflakes?IMG_9955
A red cup and red kinda tasted like grape but not the old fashioned grape.  A long, long time ago Joyce’s family sold Sno cones and they harvested their own grapes and made their own grape syrup…it was purple..and the best Sno cone flavor Far Guy has ever just can’t get the same flavors from store bought:)
A 4-H project!
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  1. I loved snow cones when I was a kid. Sounds like a real treat to go to the fair.

  2. C'mon down to the State can get Sno-Cones in a dozen flavors, pork chop on a stick, and enough other stuff to clog everybody's arteries just thinking about it. County fairs are a lot more manageable, though!

  3. Morning, what a fun date night, good food, well, good tasting food...... I loved sno- cones when I was little, had a sno- cone making machine, never see them anywhere....Francine.

  4. County Fairs are always a lot of fun. The best place (next to a State Fair) to clog your arteries. Hubby and I plan to attend our county fair tomorrow. Have a great weekend.

  5. Looks and sounds like a fun date night to me ! Wonderful photos ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  6. Sounds like it was a good time. I haven't had a snow cone in so long, but your description brought back some old memories. :-)

  7. County fairs are wonderful. I'm heading to the Beltrami Co fair. Grand #1 is showing her horse, and I promised this is the year, I'd be there.

  8. Fairs are fun:) Meredith went to the PNE (Pacific National Exhibition) a few years with 4H and her horse. We have a smaller fair here in Abbotsford that our dog club is part of, we are the hound part of the Horse and Hound demo.
    That last photo has me puzzled, it looks like a llama or alpaca head on a stick, I just can't figure out where the neck is!

    1. She was holding him /her tightly cause he was being a turd:)

    2. Taking a close look at that tight fist, it doesn't seem possible that there was room inside for a neck! :P

  9. :) I am wondering about the last picture also - he certainly looks real ~ I think it is some creative picture taking with the fancy schmancy big girl camera! :)

    1. yes he was real, the 4 H gal has a tight hold on his lead:)

  10. I love fairs... although the year I had to 'man' an information booth for my job turned me off on some of the odors for a while...
    How amazing that sno-cones were once made with syrup from real fruit! I also don't associate cheese curds with a fair -must be a regional thing.

  11. I'm sharing thoughts with Karen on that llama. It looks like a head on a stick. I'm sure there is a body attached somewhere, but this photo made me laugh. I love sno-cones too - cherry is my favorite. Nothing like date night at the fair. Not much to our fair anymore. We always looked forward to a ride on the ferris wheel.

  12. We had a Snoopy Sno-Cone machine when I was a kid and it's still what I think of when I think of Sno-Cones. Also, that last picture looks like a woman strangling a llama!

  13. Great date night :-). I look forward to our county fair too.

  14. Great that you still go out to the Fair. I'd rather stay home.

  15. Next weekend, the County Fair opens here with a parade. I hope it is a bit cooler by then because I'm walking in the parade.

    I love Sno-cones but rarely buy one. I need to get one next week.

  16. So you had a great date...sounds like fun. I love the rides, just stand there with the camera and take photos..especially when the sun is setting.


  17. Looks like a great day - love that shot of the llama.

  18. OK I think I get that last photo. That tight fist is on the lead in front of the animals neck. At least I hope so. We always went to the county fair, in mid August, when I was growing up in Oregon. It's not the same in suburbia.

  19. Fairs are always fun! Yes, I would expect a grape snow cone to be more purple.
    It looks like they are choking that critter! Optical illusion, I hope. ;)


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