Sunday, July 7, 2013


Adam got a new cast.  This one is green too.  (Adam broke two bones above his wrist in early June.)



This is what is says on his shirt.

Adam might get his cast off in two weeks.  He would like to go swimming.  He missed some ride at the carnival the other night because of his cast.  He is getting a little bored. 

I almost asked him if his arm was itchy?  I know the summer I was stuck in a cast from toe to upper thigh…I fashioned a scratcher from a fly swatter.  I would hold my leg in the air and wiggle that fly swatter up inside the cast behind my knee to scratch…then I would put alcohol on gauze and rub that around…it would sting like it was on fire but the infernal itching was done with until the next day.

I thought better of relating that story to him…I am sure he has come up with some solutions of his own.

It is still warm and humid here.


You can practically hear the corn growing.  It was knee high for the 4th of July:)

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  1. Knee high is good! It has been pretty warm and humid here also and no relief in sight as of yet. Unfortunately we are getting the rain still and no chance to get hay. Hope Adam gets to get his cast off soon, nothing like having to go all summer without swimming!

  2. Morning, wow, green cast, hope Adam gets it off soon.......still humid and hot here too, your right, can almost hear the corn growing, so fast.....Blessings Francine.

  3. I hope that cast comes off soon for Adam! I imagine that it is feels pretty awful in the heat.

  4. Poor Adam, Summer will be practically over before he gets that darn cast off. Corn here is a little behind!! Not quite knee high. Well maybe a low to the ground knee would qualify!!

  5. Green is a cool cast. Broken bones not. Half the fields in Fillmore county will remain unplanted this year due to the very late spring. Some with be plants with erosion preventing "cover crops."

  6. You reminded me of the cast I had on my ankle year ago. I used a knitting needle for a scratcher. I laughed out loud at his t-shirt. :-)

  7. Oh yes it is humid! We waited until we couldn't stand it any more before we turned our air conditioning on ~ that was July 5th ~ I miss the open windows... maybe it won't be long but it sure is making things grow!

  8. The summer of 1964 or 65, I had a plaster cast from my toe to the upper thigh - I used crutches for 17 weeks - the worse summer of my life. Itchy is putting it mildly. I used a straightened coat hanger for some relief.

  9. Casts are itchy. It's the old dry skin that is shedding. Tell adam he has my sympathy. I broke the same bones. It hurts for weeks.

  10. I remember the summer I broke my arm after being thrown from my horse. My first cast was upper arm down to my hand (and in a sling because I dislocated my shoulder too). Then when my cracked elbow healed (before my shattered wrist) I was able to switch to a shorter cast. I believe I used a wire hanger for itching. Back in those days white was the only option for cast colors :) .

  11. Well, if you gotta wear a cast it may as well be a fabulous green one. Hope he gets to enjoy some regular summer activities. And I'm impressed with that corn.

  12. He looks like he is good and tired of the darn thing. I hope he does get it off in two weeks.

  13. Love the green cast; hope he gets it off soon and can enjoy the remainder of the summer. My great niece in IN (Karen's grand) broke her arm and has a hot pink cast. John and I ride around each Sund. We noticed how much the corn has grown, too!

  14. Hope Adam heals quickly!
    Thanks for sharing the pictures. The corn looks great!

  15. Adam is really growing. He is so handsome. Don't think I've ever seen a green cast before. I had a pink one several years ago.

  16. You CAN hear corn grow. My grandfather would take us into the fields at night to hear the creak and stretch of the corn...I taught my children to listen to the corn and now I'm sharing the secret with my grandchildren!


  17. Summer has to be the absolute worst time for a kid to have a cast. Not only because it is hot (itchy cast) but because that is the time you are out of school and want to do all the fun things! Poor guy. Soon! Soon he will be free! :)


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