Thursday, July 25, 2013

Chance : Stranger Danger

Hiya!  It is me Chance.  I am in charge today! Far Side is really busy at the museum this week.  She says the ducks should be in a row but a crisis can appear at any moment.  I could help her herd those ducks..but I heard a rumor that I will be allowed to help greet people for a little while one day this week!!  I love being the official greeter! My tail wags ninety miles an hour when I see someone come in the door..then I sit to be petted.  Some people don’t like least that is what Far Side says..I don’t understand why ..but I guess it is true.  If someone is afraid of dogs, I can usually win them over. 

I don’t have stranger danger, I love everyone.  When I was very little I was raised with a family with lots of little kids.  When Far Guy and Far Side took me home they took me everywhere and let all kinds of people touch me and pet me..big hands and little hands, I also spent time in the nursing home visiting..until they got their own dog.  I am not afraid of automatic doors or wheel chairs or walkers.  At the nursing home I would always sit nicely to be petted.

The beautiful Miney has stranger danger.  Miney belongs to my sister.  Miney loves Far Guy and Far Side…but anyone one else is a stranger and she will turn tail and run and look for a place to hide.   


Now Little Elvis..he is something else.  He wants to do what ever Miney and I do.  If he follows Miney around too much, she growls at him…so then he follows me around. He has stranger danger too..but he is more curious about strangers than Miney is.

The pack

Mostly we are a real happy pack when we are all together!  Can you tell that we are looking at Far Guy ?  We all adore him because he plays ball for a really long time:)



  1. Chance, I need you to help me teach my Molly Wolly Doodle to have better manners. She really likes to meet new people, but she forgets to sit politely and wait for them to pet her. She wants to jump up on them. She is much smaller than you, but it still annoys people. I can tell the 3 of you enjoy being together.

  2. Chance you sound like the perfect gentleman around strangers. I think you should teach other dogs how to be as well behaved as you are. Far Side and Far Guy are very lucky . And lucky you that the Museum has you for a greeter. Makes you a very special dog.

  3. How could anyone resist that wonderful furry face?

  4. Hi Chance, I hope Far Side gives you a treat now and then for all the work you do at the Museum!! Good Boy!!

  5. You are my favorite four-legged friend, Chance. I am not surprised you don't have Stranger Danger genes in you. I love that picture of you with your furry friends. Who says dogs don't smile? They just need to see you in that picture! :-)

  6. Emma could take lots of lessons from you!

  7. To paraphrase a quote from the movie "Jerry Maguire" Chance, "You had me from the first bark hello."


    I hope Farside can herd those ducks, they can be slippery little birds.

  8. Sometimes I wish my dogs had stranger danger. I think they would greet a robber and show him where the silver is kept.

  9. Miggs never had stranger danger either until last year . She doesn't like the UPS trucks or the guys now she was fine with them before then I noticed as she got older that all changed ! When we are out with her in public she is fine . Lovely photos ! Sometimes that's just the way it is for some dogs ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a great day !

  10. I know all about that stranger danger stuff. I think it is a Sheltie thing. Riley has it too. He loves his family, but takes awhile to warm up to new people. Chance you are the best dog in the whole world with your excellent manners and wonderful disposition.

  11. Good analysis of dogs and dog behavior , Chance. You also posted a great picture .

  12. You are all so beautiful. I love the last picture, especially. Nothing better than someone who can play ball for a long time! I can see you all adore FG.
    Harriet loves everyone also!

  13. Wonderful post, Chance. Thanks for the update!

  14. Hey Chance, you are such a good boy....enjoyed your post...Go get em' Francine.

  15. Hi there, Chance, Gypsy here. I guess I'm a cross between you and Miney. I'm OK with some folks, but if a guy, or sometimes a gal, walks toward me too quickly or surprises me, then I get scared. I bark, and bark, and bark to sound really mean - and, well, yes, one time I almost bit Dreamy's brother - he had a hat on. I didn't recognize him and he walked up on me too fast. Oh, and I don't like kids and I won't tell anyone why. I think it is great that you are friends to all and have been in so many places. Your people parents are really smart!

  16. Chance you and your cousins are just beautiful! I love seeing your smiles! I also would enjoy giving you a pet or two or three or, oh, heck...100.


  17. My Karma rarely sees anyone but me so, over time, she developed stranger danger. But she didn't have it when she was little. I'm so glad you have never had it, Chance. You make a great host for the museum. :)

  18. There is such love in their eyes...

    Boots used to take off running if he came up to our condo door and we had company. Now the little brat loves almost everyone, except for the very young ones.


  19. That last photo of you three is wonderful. I can see the energy ready to explode as the ball or sets of balls are thrown.


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