Monday, July 15, 2013

Rainy Day

Our rainy day was a good day to rest up and relax.  We watched a new show Whodunnit on ABC online. We enjoyed two installments and plan to watch more..we do not get ABC because we are supposed to get it with an antennae..go figure. (Direct TV versus local TV rules)

A chipmunk invaded the area behind the bottle gas cylinder of the grill.  Chance trapped him there and kept watch and barked intermittently for several hours..his very own special kind of rainy day entertainment.

Late in the afternoon we traveled a bit North to meet our soon to be seventeen year old grand at Dairy Queen and then we came home, I cooked supper we ate and I had a two hour nap..I just could not keep my eyes open after supper.

The clouds hung heavy in the air and it rained all day long.

57 Chevy

We saw another 57 Chevy a different color than last week, this one was ivory( Adobe Beige) and a copper color (Sierra Gold).  Far Guy and I had a big discussion about paint colors of old cars. We decided that this old guy..he was about 70 must have had one this color when it was brand new..either that or he always wanted one and he didn’t care what color.

Clouds hanging in the Smoky Hills

The Smoky Hills have lived up to their name all summer long, usually blanketed with humidity.  Today it looked like steam was rising from the river.

There were raindrops on my roses.

Raindrops on roses

And mosquitoes on my legs and trying to fly in my ears and up my nose:)

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  1. Morning, rainy day well and humid here all week, just hoping there is a breeze at the raindrops on the rosé, so pretty, Blessings Francine.

  2. No rain here only heat and humidity. I tried working in the garden but the mosquitoes got the better of me . The raindrops on the rose is very pretty.

  3. Love the car! Yeah, nothing worse than mosquitoes up your nose and in your ears....that's what happens when I walk to the mailbox here!

  4. We called that car the "Heavy Chevy" when I was young. I loved it and I think I even made out in the back seat of one once. Love your pretty roses and glad you finally got to relax a little. I feel asleep in the chair last night, too. I just went to bed and slept right through the night. :-)

  5. Your rainy day sounds perfect - the only thing I would add is some reading time with a good book.

  6. Lovely photos ! Sounds like you had a good day well all except for the skitters lol ! It is sunny and humid as heck here I would love some rain for my gardens right now so I don't have to water them and get attacked by deer fly's lol ! With the humidity today they say it will feel like 108 WOW ! I don't mind hot it is the humidity I cant take ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  7. You have some very good and some very bad.Wow! Ice cream at Dairy Queen with a grandson. Bah! Mosquitoes up your nose! What's with this old guy who's about 70? I'm 73. On a good day I feel awesome. On a bad day I need more than a two hour nap.

  8. Rain is a most beautiful word and event in moderation. Maybe soon we will have some.

    Sounds like a great day.

  9. There's something about a '57 Chev, at least for those of us who remember them. And I LOVE DJan's comment! It really is quite a year for mosquitoes, and now your rainy day will just result in a new generation of them. Minnesota state bird, indeed.

  10. Up your Nose? yuck :) I also love rainy days, when we can just sit in a comfy chair and read a good book!

  11. Well, we haven't gotten as much rain as you but then we don't have as many mosquitoes either. We had a little rain last night and then some this morning but it stayed in the low 80's but of course the "dew point" is high. I love you summer banner. I have to do one still before summer is over. Been really busy this summer...pushing myself to do things I'd rather not! I always feel like I'm closer to home when I visit you!

  12. It's sprinkling here right now and the humidity is around for people...humidity. I suppose it's pain for animals also, but the plants like it!


  13. Your flower photos always captivate me! :)

  14. Your rose looks great with water on it. It means you might get some more blooms. I have been under the weather a lot lately and sleep seems to be happen anytime I sit still. I really like the old 57's.

  15. Great photos. Have a wonderful week!

  16. No rain here, just hot and very humid!! I love to just do nothing on those rainy days, good for the soul!

  17. We had rain all day, too. Love the old Chevy!! Your rose is delicately and damply beautiful. :)


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