Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wistful Wednesday: 1953

I ran onto another photograph that is 60 years old.

Karen, Kenny, Connie 1953 (2)


I am taking better care of my baby doll in this photo!  This photo was taken at my maternal grandparents farm.  My Aunt Karen has on someone’s shoes and my Uncle Kenny looks like he is sleep walking.  My twin uncle and aunt are two months younger than me.  Someone’s bike is leaning up against the house.  My mother must have taken this photo:)

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  1. It must have been a tough play day. Everyone looks tired.

  2. Love the sleepwalker!

  3. Cute picture! Kenny is only wearing one shoe while he's sleepwalking, isn't he? :-)

  4. Looks like you were all playing dress up. Cute photo.

  5. Oh Connie, what a sweet picture, love looking at them, Francine.

  6. We're about the same age and I wonder when I look at the old photos why our parents never actually framed a photo but just seemed to take random shots.

  7. Actually everyone looks a bit tuckered. :) Must have had a big lunch that day!

  8. I just love seeing these oldies but goodies!!

  9. Everyone is looking down because the sun is so bright and almost directly overhead. You aren't throwing much of a shadow. Or maybe you are all looking for Kenny's other shoe?:)

  10. I love these old photos you are finding!

  11. I agree with Karen...the sun was bright and high in the sky. Love the photo!

  12. Also, looks like someone is missing a shoe? LOL Great photos.

  13. Uncle Kenny looks like he's had a bad day. Very seldom were shots taken that were not posed.. Usually they lined you up very carefully and took a photo.

  14. The spacing is done well on the shot. I am sure she had to wait until everyone landed into just the right spot so she could snap it.

  15. Uncle Kenny lost his shoe! ;)
    Those dolls took a beating, that's for sure. We dragged them everywhere. Yours looks in pretty decent shape.
    Have a good weekend!!


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