Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wistful Wednesday: 1953

Yesterday I wrote about the Jack and Ella McGrane place where I used to visit.

My very first party was held at that old two story brown stucco house with the east facing porch.  It was Corrine’s birthday..she was three.  Her Grandmother had a wonderful party for her and invited neighborhood kids.

1953 Birthday Party with neighbors

Barry, Corrine and Danny

Me, Sharon and a little girl I do not remember (Caroline I think)

This huge step was on the south side of the house and this part faced west.  A perfect spot for a photo.  It must have been a real pain in the neck to get that many small children to sit still for a photograph.

Barry and Sharon are Far Guys cousins.  Barry is the guy I call Alaska Guy. We see him several times a year.  Sharon comes home every few years, she lives on the east coast.

I posted this photograph on Corrine’s Facebook page the day of her birthday.  Danny just lives down the road.  Since I don’t remember the other little girl I have no idea what happened to her nor do I recall where she used to live.

Apparently I didn’t like that baby doll very much:)

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  1. It doesn't help that all the kids are squinting into the sun, you don't look very happy... I think you must have wanted a dog instead of a doll.

  2. Wow, I remember wearing one of those bonnets. I also remember always squinting into the sun in most of our family pictures. Thanks for the memories.

  3. Those six little identical legs in the front made me smile... until I saw how uncomfortable your doll is! :-)

  4. Love those bonnets and the sensible shoes. It bothers me to see the shoes children wear today - not enough support for growing bones, in my opinion.

  5. Sweet photo. Love those bonnets and white shoes. I think everyone our age must have worn the same thing.

  6. You three in the front row....the more I look at the photo, the more it makes me laugh:)

  7. I'm laughing so much at your pouty face -- you really didn't want to be there!

  8. I love the expression on your face - it says, "will you get on with the photo taking already (and let me get this silly bonnet off!")

  9. The expressions on those faces are priceless!

  10. This is a "darling picture" of you! Love the doll too!

  11. These three little girls were really dressed, dresses, hats. We live in a different age.

  12. Oh what a wonderful photo ! I didn't like dresses when I was a little girl, still don't lol ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  13. Yup! Must have been a task. And the doll dangling by her leg--so funny. Then you think of who these people are today--a time jumping experience. So cool! :)

  14. Cool photo. It is interesting that one of them is blotted out of your mind. She must have moved away the same year the photo was taken.


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