Sunday, June 2, 2013

Flowers Finally

Chance and I did a walk around the yard and found some blooms…besides Dandys!

Double flowering plum some buds The Double Flowering Plum or Prunus triloba ‘multiplex’ is blooming quite nicely.

Look like roses

The blooms look like little roses.

Far Guys Large - flowered Trillium or Trillium grandiflorum is blooming.

Large -flowered Trillium

She lives on the edge of the woods..just one..all alone..never spreading or causing problems like some other plants I know.   The Deer seem to leave her alone.

Chance is still in a funk because his friends left..and it has been raining and thundering and the wind blew..and Far Guy worked at the Chance stayed home and I cleaned his teeth.

It is not warm here.  It has been cold and rainy.  We were lucky yesterday to make it to 56 F or 13 C.  It hardly feels like Summer weather.  The calendar says it is June but you could have fooled me:)


  1. That is a huge trillium! We don't see them like that one, here. I can understand why Chance is glum. He misses his pals. Your weather sounds like ours, but we've been making it all the way into the mid-60s lately. :-)

  2. I'd send you our summer if I could. It's actually going to be tolerable for the next few days. Relatively speaking... I'd LOVE me some 50s :-D.

  3. It has been nothing but constant rain here. I hope it is summertime for us all soon.

  4. Beautiful photos ! Here today the weather has cooled off and is nice and sunny with cool breezes after the hot humid few days we have had ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  5. Things are really late here... or those that were tricked by an early spell of spring-like weather, were nailed by our repeated snows and temps in the teens. Oh well. Maybe next year!
    Even in Europe things were like this - cold and rainy. Flowers were late there, too.

  6. Hot/humid but rainy here. Love your pictures and the header is great, too.
    Give Chance a hug from us. Have a good day.

  7. Yesterday it was hot and humid. Then it rained. Now it is cloudy and 56 degrees. Craziest weather I have ever seen. Give Chance a big hug for me.

  8. Lovely, lovely flowers. Wish I could send you some of our heat.
    Just remember, Chance, your friends will visit again.

    Have a wonderful Sunday! ♥

  9. I'll tell ya' -- I'm so sick of my hooded sweatshirt. Bring on summer!

  10. Your plants are in full bloom just like ours. We've had some warm weather and lots of rain.. Today it's 15 C or about 60 F.

  11. I love your photos and I'm sorry for your weather! Hope it warms up soon!

  12. I imagine your spring wil burst into summer much faster than it does here, and then you will have heat to deal with. We're coming out of a chilly, rainy session, and are looking forward to a partly sunny week with temps in the 70's. That's a thrill for us Seattleites.

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  15. Those are really beautiful, Connie! Spring flowers are lasting some time here also..but heat is on the way.


  16. I know! We just went backwards in time to spring sweater weather! Better than the 90s, though, in much of the country. If it would just stop raining for more than a day...oh well. Your flowers look gorgeous. Sorry Chance is missing all the excitement of his company. Maybe again some day soon. :) Stay warm and dry over there!


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