Monday, June 24, 2013

Lady’s Slippers

The Showy Lady’s Slippers are in bloom.  This week looks to be the best time to see them.

Many are heavy in bud.

Heavy in bud June 23

AND June 23 Lady Slippers in the refugeSome are blooming beautifully!   This bunch was in Tamarac Wildlife Refuge.

We went from there to the Shell Lake area.

Lady slippers

It is safer there than some areas.  The Snellman Hill is full of Lady Slippers but the traffic was terrible.

Huge clusters of Lady Slippers

The weather must have been perfect for large clusters of Lady Slippers this year.

I always look forward to their blooms.   It is one of the highlights of the summer for me.  Welcome to the Minnesota State flower The Showy Lady’s Slipper or Cypripedium reginae:)

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  1. Beautiful. Tom and I didn't get out to see the ladyslippers this year.

  2. Morning, such a show stopper, beautiful flower, love the yellow ones too....we saw them in bloom on our way to the lake last week, Blessings Francine.

  3. I love your Lady Slippers. I have never sen them around here where I live.

  4. The Tiger and Day Lilies are blooming like crazy here... It's a good year for some of the flowers!

  5. Such pretty flowers. I would love to see them in person. Large clusters of them would be gorgeous.

  6. Thanks for sharing those wonderful flowers with us!

  7. Gorgeous Lady Slippers! Even though it's Minnesota's state flower, I have never seen it in the wild.

  8. They must love your cold ,cold winters. Lovely!
    Do they grow any where other then Minnesota?

    1. yes on the east coast..Maine and Vermont I think! I am sure Wisconsin has some too! :)

  9. All your lady slippers are very showy. I don't know if we have the pink ones. we have many arieties of very small orchids and mostly they grow in boggy areas.

  10. Wow, those are gorgeous. Thanks for the lovely photos.

  11. I always did like your lady slippers.

  12. They are such a special flower. Seeing them grow wild is amazing and being from the orchid family makes them magical. I painted some one day but I don't know where that paint is anymore. Maybe hanging is someone's cabin in Minnesota.

  13. What lush and lovely shots. The flowers are beautiful!

  14. Oh my. I'm envious. No lady slippers here any more.

  15. I have so seldom seen them. They are showy, yes. So very pretty! Thanks for sharing them. :)

  16. They are so pretty! I love the pink ones, although I think your yellow ones are my favorite. Partly because of your pictures of them, I think. :-)

  17. YAY! The Lady Slippers are HERE!!! I always love it when you post about them!



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