Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Back to work

I have enjoyed my five days off in a row.  I got some things done around the house and took some naps.  I tell you what… Lymes kicks you in the butt…it is not something you get over just like that. 

I have decided that there are some things I just cannot keep up with anymore.  The windows are not sparkling clean..it rained on them anyway.   My car needs to be vacuumed and washed..and waxed.  My garage needs to be cleaned.  Those things will go on the list until I can string another few days off together.

I can only do what I can do…I am just one person and never claimed to be super woman.

I heard there were many things on my desk at work that await my attention.  This week we begin a brown bag lunch series called “Thursdays at the Museum.”  We have something going on at the museum every Thursday throughout the summer.  This week we  feature a wonderful local author Jim Jasken.  His book is called Kayaking a Moonbeam.  It is all about Minnesota..and nature.

Thursdays at the Museum was a nightmare to schedule..I worked with  five authors. Only three are scheduled because two of them didn’t know exactly when they would be in the area.  One author was insistent that she get another authors day. ( She is not being featured.)  I asked the Board Members to step up and do a presentation..only two were interested. ( Yes, you can see me beating my head against a brick wall.)  I am taking two Thursdays myself( How to scan old photographs and Wedding Dresses through the years) and Far Guy is taking one ( How to use a Braille Typewriter.)  I hope we have a good turnout.  You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink.


In town the lilacs are in full bloom, the air is heavy with their fragrance.   There is one beautiful hedge of white lilacs.IMG_0654

Our weather still does not feel like June or summertime..the fireplace is being used on a regular basis.  It was 64 F yesterday for a high.  It is still cold in the museum..but I brought my parka home:)


  1. The lilacs are very pretty ; they are my favorite flower. Your life sounds like mine - nothing seems to work out like I would want it to. I have decided there is only one of me; I'm not a spring chicken any more; if things get done off my list good for me. Otherwise I deserve a break. It is still very cool here - flowers aren't happy at all. Take care of yourself.

  2. Our lilacs are long gone, so I am enjoying yours. I'm glad you are on the upswing. Hope your days off are enough to keep you for a while, but I suspect not. I'm so glad you write here every day so I can keep up with your progress getting better. And the museum goings on. :-)

  3. I hope the Thursdays program is a hit: it sounds interesting.

  4. The lilacs are beautiful!

    I hope you feel better soon.

  5. I'd love to see the braille typing demo/talk!

  6. How interesting to hear about Braille typing. Does Far Guy do this as a volunteer typist for the Blind? It sounds like something he would do. You two do a lot for your community. Thank you for that even though I don't live there myself.

    I find that now I can't post in any other way than Unknown and this bothers me. Before recently, I could use my name Shirley H.

    1. Hi Shirley, Good to hear from you again! I have no idea what is up with blogger, if you have an account you should be able to comment as you! A while ago I had to block anonymous comments because of the spam.

      Far Guy was intrigued with the braille typewriter and found a chart so that children and adults can type their name in braille. It brings to light the fact that all children cannot see..and gives us a small look into their sightless world.

  7. Love those lilacs. They are really beautiful around here now. But it doesn't feel like June here either.
    I would love to read the book by Jim Kasken. The Braille typewriter demo sounds interesting!

  8. Connie, what a great idea...I really hope that your days will have great turnouts...interesting subjects for sure.

    It's going to be a warm set of days here.

    And that is one gorgeous lilac hedge. Sigh....


  9. I so enjoy your daily posts! Thanks for posting each day! I, too, work for a non- profit and understand your angst. I know what it's like to beat your head against the wall! Take care - hope you continue to recover.

  10. Hee hee my furnace is also still running but then it is supposed to be like 85 Thursday. No middle ground. As for things not getting done, sometimes that kick your butt is to make you realize all those fussy little things are NOT that important.

  11. Dear Connie, we went through your town on the way to our family vacation at Itasca. I wish we could stop but it's just so hard with our big brood that I can't quite force the issue. Our middle girl found a tick and really got freaked out. Hoping that was the only one. What havoc those little buggars wreak! I'm so sorry you have been ill and hope that you will fully recover in time. But you're right. For now, first things first. The Thursday offering sounds wonderful! Good work.I'm sure it was difficult but it will be a great offering and boost to the museum. God bless and keep you and Far Guy!

  12. Did I know and forget that you had Lyme disease? (Rhetorical question, of course.) I'm glad you are putting some tasks on hold; it will not help for you to overtax yourself. I love the lineup on Thursday programs, including the Braille typewriter. I love that you are making the museum so interactive.

  13. Yes, there's no use in running yourself into the ground. You need some time to enjoy life. I know you're hooked to the museum. It's hard to let things go a little bit.For museums to be successful there needs to be a lot of work.

  14. I wish I was there to help you...I'd do something as a "presentation"! LOL! Thanks for admitting you get tired....I have the RA and the GRaves yet I look normal and I still have the same desires for a clean house, car, garage....the whole 9 yards and I guess I do pretty good but I get mad at myself for being ill, old and lacking the energy and determination I used to have. Aging and illness are not for the faint of heart! SO, we shall pat ourselves on the back for what we do and the rest be damned! LOL!
    The pictures of the lilacs remind me of my youth and my hometown. I wish I could smell them. Take care!

  15. Sorry you are feeling so bad. Thanks for sharing these pretty white lilacs. I've not seen white in person. Your first author's book sounds like a good one. Take care and don't overdo...love ya

  16. Lovely flowers. THank you. :-)
    I wish we still needed our fireplace.
    Hope your Thursdays all work out wonderfully, Connie. You deserve it. ♥

  17. I'm just catching up to the fact that you have Lymes Disease. That's rough. Sending good thoughts for your continued recovery, and for successfull Thursdays.

  18. Your lilacs are just lovely! I really enjoy spring flowers, but they don't last long here because we whip right into heat WITH wind. It comes roaring across Utah, gathers steam along the plateau and through the corridors between the monument and the book cliffs then hits us full steam. For days and weeks at a time. The flowers fade fast.


  19. I don't know. Still feels like almost parka weather to me--LOL! ;)
    Your Thursday sound really cool! And the lilacs are gorgeous and I can almost smell them from here!

  20. Is there a special way of scanning old photos? I've got some, not many unfortunately, but I'd like to scan them. I was just going to do it the normal way.
    Just to say I noticed your name the other day. My Nan was Evaline Alice Constance Joy. I would have named a daughter Connie - I didn't have one and didn't think either of my sons would have appreciated that name - lol! Mine and my Mum's middle name ... Joy!

    1. Hi PeeJay, I just scan them and save them as JPEGs if you have mega space on your computer you can scan them as TIFFS. There isn't anything technical about it, but in our area many people don't know how to use a scanner..and it is a way for some people to bring their old photos into the museum to get them scanned and therefore share with us! :)

    2. Thank you :) Thought there was something I might have been missing. Glad there's not - and it'll have to be JPEGs - lol! I've already tried some but not happy with results. May be that I've not got good material to work from but might try again. Thanks again Connie :)


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie