Saturday, June 22, 2013

Iowa Peony

A good blog friend from Iowa shared his Fern Leaf Peony with me.

Iowa Peony

It is going to be a beautiful bloom if the heavy rains don’t get the best of it.

peony unfurling

We got four inches of rain Thursday night..and more is predicted for Friday night ( last night).  Chance’s pool filled to over flowing…he won’t use it if it has too much water in it and he doesn’t like dirty water either..he is a picky dog.

Perhaps the mosquitoes are drowning..a gal can hope:)

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  1. The peony color is gorgeous. It will so pretty when it opens fully.

  2. Oh my, how pretty, want to see it open.....Rain here today, tomorrow, hope it drowns the skeeters too, Francine.

  3. Our rain stopped for the weekend, isn't that nice? It starts again next week, though. Good for my garden. Love that color!

  4. The rain hasn't drowned the mosquitoes or ticks or black flies here at Tamarac. :(

  5. I know our skeeters haven't drowned yet, am digging out not only the bug zapper but the mosquito coils for the front deck - WHEN it warms up again so we can use it.

  6. Love fern leaf peonies! Wish I had one. Hope the rain drowned the mosquitoes.

  7. I really miss peonies. I had grown them every place I have lived and now I live in an area that doesn't get cold enough in the winter for them to bloom. Thanks for good memories of a flower I love.

  8. I love Peonies and roses second, beautiful color.

  9. That's an awful lot of rain at one time!
    Well, you can hope about the mosquitoes and I hope it does some good.

  10. A real treasure!

  11. Lets hope the mosquitoes drown, but seriously doubt it. Been cool and very rainy here, but not anywhere near as bad as Calgary!

  12. Wow - those shots are simply magical!

  13. Four inches? Wow. We are getting strong storms every 12 hours or so, and the ground is so saturated (and the winds so strong) that trees are down all over town. What a gorgeous peony.

  14. Linda has one in Canada...what beautiful peonies they are. I had never seen one before until she posted a photo of hers!


  15. Gosh that's a beautiful color!
    Hey--I don't blame Chance. Dirty water would soil his beautiful white coat. A guy's got to look his best. :)

  16. I am pleased that the peony is thriving. My neighbor was inquiring about mine the other day and I didn't take the hint. I will have to dig her some and take it over and plant it for her. That plant looks like it is liking it in Iowa. I am glad to see pictures of it.


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