Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wistful Wednesday :1952

Another wonderful photo of me when I was little.  This one was taken 61 years ago.

Connie 1952 number 3

Connie June 1952

My Mother must have taken this photo.  It was taken at my maternal grandparents farm.  That is the grainery behind my head and off to the left is the chicken coop..I can see chickens out there..and a woodpile. The outhouse with the two seater was off to the left.

There was a circular driveway, it circled past the house, by the pump house, past the grainery and then by the garage and down the lane. Cars would be lined up there every Sunday afternoon.

You could walk to Grandpas huge garden which was way past the chicken coop.  You had to watch where you stepped with or without shoes going past the coop. When I was really little they had a garden up near the house.  Grandpa must of thought the soil was better elsewhere.

Grandpa always liked it when I walked down to the garden, the rows were perfectly straight and the aisles between the rows weedless..and it was a huge garden.  He must have spent hours everyday in the garden.

We used to have vegetable gardens.  This year Far Guy has two tomato plants in buckets in the little red wagon.  It is easier to cart them around should the weather turn nasty.  He also has two tomatoes planted out back in his “garden.”  “Garden” consists of a few raspberry plants and two tomatoes.

I never could grow rhubarb.  I was at a garage sale last week and they were giving it away so I chopped it up and froze some for next winter.

Sometimes you don’t have to have a garden to get just have to be at the right place at the right time:)

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  1. I love this picture, Connie.
    We did not plant anything this year. By the time we got moved in, it was already too hot to be outdoors!
    I've never tasted rhubarb, but thru blogging, I've seen some great cobbler recipes.

  2. You were so cute as a baby. I didn't put in a garden this year because I am so tired of sever weather ruining my plants. We have a farm just up the street that sells produce so I just plan to visit there. My mother used to have a huge rhubarb patch and would always make sauce and cobbler - sure do miss it.

  3. Look at those fat cheeks! Just adorable, Connie. You gave me an idea for my front porch garden: a wagon filled with flowers! :-)

  4. Oh Connie, what a sweet picture, love looking at the older pictures of a wonderful time in our lives.....We also would visit Grandpa`s farm, such memories, thanks for taking me back, Francine.

  5. Goodness, such puffy cheeks!

    :) I ought to plant some 'maters...

  6. Free rhubarb? I'd scoop that up in no time.

  7. oh that is a great picture, and I love the description of the farm.
    We were picking up some free bricks and blocks from a place that had been sold and had to be cleaned up as a condition of the sale. There was a massive rhubarb patch, so I asked the woman if she used it. She said no, and that yes I could have some. Sometimes you have to be in the right place at the right time, but have to ask:)

  8. Since I sold my farm last year, I have also found that I have plenty of opportunities to buy fresh garden veggies from my neighbors. I now have a much smaller garden, just not growing in a wagon! I enjoy reading your blog. Loved the one on "Yellow".

  9. What a cute little girl! That was the year we were married. Time flies.
    Love rhubarb and strawberry pie....

  10. OH! You were so cute! I bet you still are too. I was 3 that year. I had a big rhubarb patch in IA but here I got some special rhubarb supposed to grow in AR but they all died and I had 6 plants. The first year I lost 3 then the next the rest went. My favorite is raspberries! I had planted those in Iowa and they did good on the farm...I miss them too. I sprayed again's pretty dead although with the nuts hedge? all around it's hard to spot. I've been saving cardboard and I'm covering the whole area and planting flowers in the raised beds and calling it quits! I'll go to the Farmer's Market which I just remembered was this morning. I like the wagon idea! Thanks for your tip about the funnel.

  11. I remember my grandparents garden. It was crucial to their survival. I wish you were here . I've got lots of rhubarb to give away. I do grow a vegetable garden. I like vegetables right from the soil. I probably like tomatoes more than anything. I freeze an awful lot of tomatoes.

  12. Oh, such a cutie pie!

  13. You were born with the ability to be studiously intent. :)
    Your grandpa must have put in a lot of long hours in the wonderful garden.


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