Saturday, June 8, 2013

Lilacs and a Cat

The lilacs are almost at an end.

Lilacs almost done

A few more buds will open and then they will be done.  The  air is still heavily fragrant.

Mary never gets to see her lilacs since she only comes to visit later in the summer.

Lilacs and sky

I stopped by that little white house with the handicap ramp and the blue trim.  Mary your lilacs are beautiful!

Thursday night when I came from work, a cat ran across the road into our land.  It was a black and white cat.  I warned Far Guy that is was a real black and white kitty and not a skunk!

Friday morning it was in the ditch hunting.

A visitor

I rolled down the window and took a photo.   I am sure it will be Eagle food before long.  It might be a feral cat…or one that someone dropped off.  I hate to see animals out there by themselves, full of ticks this time of year, but there are rabbits and chippys to catch and mice I am sure it is not starving to death.  We have water out for Chance so if it wanders into the yard it can have a drink.  Right now that is the best I can do:)

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  1. Morning, beautiful Lilacs, sweet kitty, hope it has a home but to many unwanted cats out there......Blessings Francine.

  2. Sigh. I do hope the kitty finds a home, or its way back to the one it has. Our lilacs have been gone for awhile. They are so pretty but they sure don't last long, do they? :-)

  3. Your lilac pics are so pretty. I understand about the kitty.
    Hope you guys have a restful weekend.

  4. The lilacs are beautiful. They have such a wonderful smell!

  5. Lovely photos ! My Lilacs are all done now and the gardens are now flourishing . We have lots of stray cats here , why just the other day a cat carried off one of the squirrels that visits our yard . Nature and the circle of life . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  6. Your picture of the kitty is wonderful. Sad. He looks well-fed, like he was an unwanted pet -dropped in the country. Feral cats would be better prepared to hide from predators. I hope he finds a home.
    Ahhhh, lilacs! Our's have put up only weak displays, having been blasted by late cold and snow.
    Happy Saturday to you!

  7. How I love the fragrance of lilacs. Just looking at your lovely pictures makes me smell them again. In MPLS there used to be a section of HIghyway 7 called "Lilac Way" because of all the lilac bushes along the side of the road. I loved that drive.

  8. I do despise people, and we have more than a few here, who abandon their dogs and cats in the country....;(

  9. Lilacs are plentiful in my town, and when they bloom, the air is thick with their delightful scent.

  10. Can't save them all and you never know, may have a home and is just out wandering (grrr). Love the lilacs!

  11. Lilacs don't last long but while they're here they're awesome.

  12. The cat definitely looks fine.

    I love lilacs. And yours are very pretty. I need to plant some here somewhere.
    Happy Sunday!

  13. The lilacs are ending here too. They are so deliciously fragrant. Lovely shots!

  14. If my wife lived closer, she would be feeding that cat. I would probably feed it too. I hope it was just our roaming and will find safety. Lilacs just don't last as long as they should.

  15. I could almost smell those lilacs!
    I'd be worried about the cat, for sure. It doesn't look feral. It looked dumped off. Might have no clue how to catch a mouse. :( Keep an eye out for it.

  16. I feel so bad for the animals...Nature can be so brutal...I try to feed them if I can...


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