Well the shrub the old timers call Minnesota Snowball is blooming.
It is really called Viburnum opulus ‘Roseum’ some people call it European Snowball. It is a very old plant. Mine is lucky to get a half a dozen blooms, it is on the edge of the woods in a “too shady” area.
Look at this field..for a moment your eyes can be easily fooled.
Thousands of Ox-eye Daisies..blooming their hearts out. It was windy..I might go back to this spot soon on a less windy day.
Awfully pretty for a noxious weed wildflower. I just went and checked and it no longer appears on Minnesota’s noxious weed list. So wildflower it is!
Goodbye June..you sure were a rainy month. I think we made up the rain deficit, and more than filled up the mosquito breeding areas. I am not seeing many bees..just a few. No flies yet and very few butterflies. I am seeing a large dragon fly hatch..they help out with the mosquitoes. The bat house remains uninhabited however there are bats that fly through the yard just before dark probably eating their weight in skeeters. The squirrels have become ravenous again this past week…they must be having another batch of babies. The Bluebirds are busy feeding their babies. I have startled them several times while walking through the wild gardens. The weather finally turned warm ..in the 80’s this past week…warm and humid. It cools off nicely overnight into the 50’s:)