Monday, April 22, 2013

Big Flakes

The snow came down in huge flakes yesterday. One day of sun is followed by one day of snow.

We went up North to visit the birthday girls and go out for lunch.  As we walked out of the restaurant someone said “Looks a lot like Christmas.” Sad but true.


The roads were terrible on the way home.  Slushy and icy.

Our weather has not been “right” up here in Minnesota since that earthquake in Japan a few years back that moved the earth on it’s axis.

13 inches of snow April 21

It didn’t warm up enough to rain.

I didn’t move the snow shovel away from the house, I didn’t pack away my parka, boots and gloves( I will need them for work)..I didn’t do anything to cause this horrid weather.

I am officially on the back to work count down. Nine days to finish up my list here at home. I am NOT looking forward to spending time in an unheated building, I hope the weather warms up a tad before May 1st..whatever the outside temperature is..that will be the temperature inside the museum.   I have an electric heater for my office but with 10 feet ceilings it takes a long time to warm up:(


  1. My sorels are parked at the back door too. Wish I could put them away!!! They're predicting a big warm up this weekend. I'm thinking its a suicide prevention measure!!!

  2. Morning, ya, same ole story here, but by the end of the week, temps looking good, have to wait and see....Blessings Francine.

  3. Still very cold and "damp" here. This is so unlike April. My heat is still turned on and all winter clothing still out. No one around here even remembers what the sun looks like any more. Sure hope Mother Nature remembers what time of year it is soon.

  4. Oh no, more snow. I was hoping it would be melting for you now. It is still cold here and we have more rain due.

  5. It's snowing here again this morning, with "moderate" snow expected. Sigh!

  6. Brrrr! We got snow yet last night so am betting you have one more round on it's way yet (and it was cold) but then the weather dude is saying 60s mid week. I'll believe it when I see it. I can understand why you aren't thrilled about going back to work in a very cold building, layer sister layer!

  7. I've run out of snow comments:(

  8. It warmed up enough to rain here yesterday. A lot of the snow has melted but they are predicting more for tomorrow. At least your snow looks pretty. Ours is dirty and ugly.

  9. Still chilly here, but I'll take that any day over snow. Hoping for your spring warm-up soon!

  10. Ditto Karen.

    I spent the day watching turtles sun themselves in the local pond.

  11. Wishing you warm weather and melting snow before May 1st.

  12. It sounded like you were going to get hit again. We had southernly winds but it must have hit your cold front from Canada. Maybe next week you will see sun.

  13. What happened to the rain you were supposed to get? All thanks to a Japanese earthquake?!?! Something is desperately wrong here...

    And to think, in a week, we will be staring May in the face. Practically.

  14. Connie, maybe they should delay the opening of the one is going to want to visit if it's freezing out.


  15. Take a blanket with you to work. When no visitors, keep warm. I can't imagine still having snow on the ground this time of year, but we have had snow flurries in May before.

  16. I can't believe the snow coverage you have there. To make matters worse for you it's till coming down. I tried my best for you. I predicted your snow would be gone April 10!

  17. You need to look for a warmer or better climate controlled position!

  18. This is just crazy, if you ask me, which you aren't. We are basking in sunshine today in the Pacific Northwest. Go figure! :-)

  19. Glad you got home safely.
    I know what you mean about high ceilings and temperatures.
    Stay warm and hopefully you will see true warmth before May. ♥

  20. Oh gosh - how depressing to still have snow!

  21. The earthquake huh, hmm My spring weather issues go back 50 years, but they didn't start bugging me until 25 years ago. You have a snow stick, I should have a mud stick! But it would stand up for long, one rain storm and down it would go. Yup, it's sunny today, it will probably dry up a few mud swamps, but only a few and then oh looky more mud on the way.


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