Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wistful Wednesday: My Baby Brother is a Grandpa!

This is an old grade school photo of my baby brother.

Carey Unknown year

Taken..maybe when he was in first grade in 1960-61.  That is a homemade shirt he is wearing.  He was very blond and pretty cute.

Last weekend he became a Grandfather for the very first time.  His only daughter delivered a gift straight from God..a true miracle baby.  The pregnancy was tenuous at it was wonderful news to hear that Cruz was born on Saturday afternoon weighing 6 pounds and 14 ounces.  Many prayer warriors breathed a sigh of relief and said a prayer of thanks for his safe delivery. 

“A Grandfather is someone with silver in his hair and gold in his heart.” ~ Author Unknown

My baby brother and his wife shared the following photographs with me.Carey and Cruz November 17 2012

Cruz and Carey 2012 November 17

Welcome to the family Cruz:)

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  1. How special is this! Babies are born around the world every second of the day, yet we will never see it as just another baby. I'm happy that Cuz made it out safely and that is Mom is well.

    Congratulations to the proud Grandpa and all the family.

    (Whoever made that shirt (probably Mom) knew what she was doing. Matching those plaids is beyond a novice!)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Brings back memories of the births of my children and grandchildren...heartwarming feelings of love and the feel of the amazing soft skin of new-borns...and the love of those who hold them. I like the faces of those holding babies as much as the tiny children themselves. Congratulations to your brother and his family.

  3. Congratulations to everyone, and welcome Cruz! What a great story for any time but especially for Thanksgiving. :-)

  4. What a blessing Cruz is for your family. Such sweet photos. Congrats to all!

  5. Congratulations to the new Grampa and Grandma. Nothing like a grandchild to make your life complete.


  6. Congratulations to your brother and his wife on becoming grandparents. May God bless little Cruz and his mommy and daddy. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Cruz is truly something to be thankful for.

  7. Awww I love the saying you posted and your baby brother looks pretty darned content with that tiny one!

  8. What great pictures, before and after, how great is that........Special Thanksgiving for sure......Blessings Francine.

  9. That is just wonderful! Congradulations on the new baby and to grandpa!

  10. Best wishes to all on the arrival of Cruz.
    I think I have a baby brother the same age as yours. My baby brother was born in 1955. He received a grandson 2 years ago.

  11. I think there is nothing sweeter than seeing a grown man holding a tiny baby. So glad that all is well with mother and baby. What a blessed Thanksgiving tnis year.

  12. Oh, he's so tiny, and so cute. Congrats to the entire family...what a blessing.


  13. A long and happy life, Cruz! I thought the same as Anita - matching that plaid. Your mom knew what she was doing.

  14. Oh, what amazingly adorable shots! My heart melts.

  15. It is obvious Grandpa has fallen head over heels in love already! What a great head of hair that baby has.
    I agree with the first commenter about matching the plaids. Our mom taught us to do that, too and would have made us rip it out and re-cut it if we didn't do it correctly.

  16. Congratulations to your baby brother!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. Welcome Cruz! And congratulations to the proud parents--and grandparents!!!

    Glad to hear the good report about another miracle. It's not easy being a miracle until afterward, of course, but now it will be a story to remember. Being a survivor is indeed something remarkable. This is a Thanksgiving your family will have much to be thankful for :)

  18. I'm glad Cruz came into the world safely. Congrats to the family!
    And your brother is still cute. ;)


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