Saturday, September 15, 2012

September 15 2012

The luncheon was a success.  My potato salad was gone in the blink of an eye.  The only food  that impressed me was the carrot cake.. it was very moist.  I thought that the chicken soup I had came out of a can.  I must have a sophisticated palate.  Far Guy must have an ordinary everyday palate because he thought the warmed up broth was tasty.  Someday I am going to count the taste buds on his tongue.

Chance had a day at the Dogs Paw..he was happy to see me at the end of the day.  He is all clean and shiny!  He was all tired out..he probably didn’t nap at all during the day. I walked in the door at the spaw and he started howling.  I think he can hear our car. He had a cute kerchief had acorns on it.  Far Guy took it off and said “It would look fine on a squirrel..but not on you Chance.”

It was a tiring week..I am tired. I am ready to be done at the museum. I am ready to be at home and do my own stuff instead of someone else’s stuff.

Half the month is over…I have today off..a vacation day!  When I go back on Tuesday I will have 10 days left.  Yes!  I am smiling:)


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  1. Oh, that's cute: a spaw for the canine set. Chance doesn't need any decoration to be perfectly beautiful!

  2. A day off... to organize pictures...there is a table over here with no one at it :(

  3. I hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable day off!

  4. Any carrot cake left? My favorite....:)

  5. Chance probably looked so sweet..Soon you will not be running around for the Museum, some time to seriously laze around and pamper yourself! Yeah Yeah and more Yeah! It is still warm here, but winter is fast a coming as is said in our area, cool & cold in the mornings, sun comes out and glorious, I want to take pictures as I think this winter we will get hit by many inches of ice, snow and horrible weather it always does it when we get 90 and 100 degree weather in the summer and fall it is glorious but mr. sun will remove himself from the sky and no blue skies and winter will come on us like a vengeance, I hate being cooped up so i go out no matter the weather here, with almost 209 days of inclement no sunny days, I take what I can and enjoy the winter with all its glory soon coming to our area..Take care and relax soon and pamper yourself and your hubby and sweet sweet boy Chance!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. You had me at carrot cake.... Yum.

  7. Now you have me thinking about carrot cake and potato salad... ;)
    I still would have loved to see a pic of Chance with his acorn scarf.
    Ten days!!! Whoohoo!! :):)

  8. Almost there! Only one third of a month left, sounds like less that way!

  9. So...primping at the "spaw" is not Chance's style? Hmmm...

    I am not surprised your potato salad was such a hit. :)

    Enjoy your "vacation" day! You are right, time is flying, now!

  10. Hmm, potato salad. Carrot cake. Among the all-time great foods. Glad the event went well, and glad you get a day to recover.

  11. No matter how tired we get, we can keep going when we see the light at the end of the tunnel.
    Carrot cake - - another one of my favorites!

  12. Yes, we can get very tired. Don't worry you"ll make it.
    Yes, dogs will hear you from miles away.

  13. Glad the luncheon was a success and glad your museum time is almost over again.
    Have a great Sunday!

  14. I'm feeling about jam making and the farmers markets the same way you are feeling about the museum. The end is in sight though!


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