Friday, April 26, 2013

Making of the May Baskets

Every year I make May Baskets to give to my great nieces and nephews on May Day.  It is a tradition.  I grew up making May Baskets to deliver to neighborhood friends young and old. make a basket and fill it with some kind of a treat..a flower or candy.  You hang it on the neighbors door knob.. knock on the door or ring the door bell if you have fancy neighbors..then run before they catch you and kiss you.

I encourage you to make just one basket to share!  You still have time.

May Baskets one

I had on hand some red plastic cups and some stickers..oh and pens..I have lots of colored sharpies.  I purchased the lime green paper because it reminds me of green grass, I cut out some hearts.  Nothing fancy just fold a piece of paper in half and cut out a pattern. I decorated the hearts and put the kids names on is always nice to get something with your name on it when you are little. I glued the hearts to the cup.  I also purchased some red chenille stems to use for handles.

May Baskets two

I used a hole punch to make some holes in the cup so I could  secure the chenille stem and form it into a simple handle.

Then I filled them with candy..and put them in a muffin tin to keep them upright until I deliver them on May Day.

Easy peasy…perfect little May Day baskets.  I hope you will join me celebrating the coming of May.   If you haven’t heard of this’s can help spread the word:)

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  1. Such a neat tradition. And another use for the 'Red Solo Cup'. Just fill 'er up!!! The recipients will love them!!

  2. What fun! I can remember making little construction paper holders to put flowers in to hang on doorknobs for May Day. That was a very long time ago.

  3. They run and kiss you. Mmmm. My next door neighbor is a300 pound trucker. RE Alaska. We spent six weeks up and back with a popup camper. The road is great. There are gas stations all along the way. The journey across Canada is half the fun. Of course, we had friends in Anchorage who let us camp in their backyard which didn't hurt either...:)

  4. Morning, love that great tradition, Blessings Francine.

  5. I always love your May Day baskets. These are really cute. I made one last year for an elderly neighbor who was thrilled.
    Hope you all enjoy the weekend.

  6. That is such a lovely tradition. Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. I've been doing this ever since you introduced it to me three years ago. It's fun, too! I really have enjoyed it.

  8. What a cute idea! Wish I lived closer to my grand nieces and nephews, it would have been fun to leave one for them.
    Don't they call those red chenille stems 'pipe cleaners' any more?

  9. I remember as a child making May baskets in Elementary school, but living out in the country, we didn't do anything with them - just brought them home to show Mom. I didn't think anyone still kept up this tradition - I think it's a sweet, old-fashioned idea and I like it.

  10. I remember this tradition. And then one year we were told we couldn't do it because it was a communist day. We had no idea what that meant, but we envied those communist children, whoever they were.

  11. May day was a special time as I went into town to stay with my friend Larry and we handed out May baskets with violets and candy. Stop doing it by 2nd grade.

  12. I remember my daughter making a May Day basket with flowers when she was young...all thanks to her art teacher :)

    Now...what I want to know are you going to run fast enough for your great nieces and nephews to not catch you and kiss you???????

  13. I do remember when May Day was about May baskets full of flowers. Now here in Seattle it is apparently a day for demonstrations and outbreaks of anarchy.
    I prefer the May Pole dance and the baskets.

  14. Well, aren't you creative! Nicely done. I have never heard of this custom.

  15. That brings back such fond memories!

  16. I could definitely do that for one neighbor, but the other has several farm dogs that roam the yard. I doubt I could get near the door!
    Still, I may give this a try this year!

  17. I've heard of it, but have never known anyone who actually did it--till you. ;) Even when I was a kid. Nobody in the Minneapolis suburb in our neighborhood gave away May baskets. I guess I really missed out, eh? These are soooo cute! And I bet the kids just love them. Yes, your name on anything is cool when you're little...well, even now--lol!

  18. I love May Day and I love that you encourage people to take part in the day! May day ushers in a spate of sunny cloudless weather for us. So today I'm going to plant my hoop house of corn.


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