Sunday, May 14, 2023

Happy Mother's Day!

 I took my Mom to lunch yesterday and then to her favorite fabric store.  It was a nice afternoon. 

Mom is still struggling with swollen fluid filled legs.   She likes her apartment in Assisted Living. 

A photo of my Mom in the late 1940's.

Happy Mother's Day!

Far Side


  1. What a beautiful photo of your Mom. Hope you enjoyed your Mother's Day as well :)

  2. Happy Mothers Day to you, Connie, and to your mom, too.

  3. Connie, she was so very pretty.

  4. Happy Mothers Day to you & your mom!!

  5. What beautiful hair your mother has in this photo!
    Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers in your life, and to you.

  6. Your mom looks like a movie star in the photo! Beautiful! Glad she is enjoying her new apartment. Swollen legs can be a bugger to handle.

    Happy Mother's Day to you and your dear mom! Hoping you have a wonderful and blessed day!

  7. Gosh she was sure pretty, but she still is a good looking person! Happy Mother's Day!

  8. What a nice way to enjoy a day with your mom. Love the photo - very pretty young woman. I noticed the brooch on her collar - very 1940s.

  9. Your mom has BEAUTIFUL hair! WOW!!! My Mom would have LOVED to have hair like that!

    Happy Mother's Day Connie!

  10. Our Momma’s were once young. I love the picture of your mother. I know now I am really old. I still feel the same inside. Lol

  11. So beautiful!
    Happy Mother's Day to you both! :)

  12. Happy Mother's Day to you, and to your mom too. So glad you both had a good day together.

  13. I hope they can figure out something with her legs to make her more comfortable. Happy Mother's Day!

  14. Lovely picture. Your Mom had great hair. I almost wish that style would come back again but then I think of how much effort it would take to keep it that nice and I change my mind.

  15. Happy Mother's Day to you and your mom.

  16. What a pretty picture and look at those beautiful waves in her hair. So glad you got to spend the day together. I was just thinking of her. Happy Mother's Day to you too!


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