Monday, May 15, 2023


 We have a fox here in the woods.  We saw it in the ditch a few days ago. 

The ditches are turning green which here in Minnesota means that the deer are out grazing at the edges of the road at night and in the morning. 

We are seeing some green in the trees. 

See a hint of green through the trees? 

Far Side


Rita said...

Yes! Green grass and deer chomping and racing across roads in the dark--lots of hitting deer with vehicles=springtime.

Val Ewing said...

Your trees are just starting to green up and I think all of our trees are leafing out like crazy.
How neat!
I've been so crazy busy, it is hard to keep up with everything happening at once here.

thecrazysheeplady said...

I can't believe how far behind us you are. I need to move north!

Leilani Schuck Weatherington said...

We have had fox at our place before -- saw one once digging into a pack rat pile of twigs. We had some junk cars hauled off earlier in the spring and I found a perfectly intact fox skull under one of the cars, but no other bones. Wondering where the rest of it went.

Ed said...

We used to have a fox that lived in the ditch behind our house and raised several kits over the years. I probably haven't seen her in four or five years now so I suspect she is no longer with us.

Red said...

First green of the spring is very welcome.

Jenn Jilks said...

Yes, it is lovely! Our horse chestnut is in leaf, as well as the lilacs.

Sara said...

A week ago our trees were just beginning to show that subtle green halo of new leaves, and now they are brilliant green. And the flowering trees, like the crab apple down the street, are in full bloom. Spring is showing up late here this year, but finally here.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

The Aspen by my kitchen window is leafed out, but none of the other trees in the neighborhood. The Aspen is probably warmed by the brick exterior.

Galla Creek said...

I love it when everything turns green.

Debby @ From My House to Yours said...

looks like you're greening up. Spring eventually comes...

Granny Marigold said...

Funny how when I see a fox I think Wow, when I see a coyote I think Ugh. Either way though, I'm always on the look out.

Linda Reeder said...

It's exciting to watch the first greening in spring. especially when you have to wait so long for it.

The Great Ethan Allen said...

So Cute! I love Foxes. They keep the mice and vermin down. And are so playful when you get them in the right mood.

Victoria Zigler said...

Glad you're seeing lots of green.

We have foxes around here too. said...

I love foxes....I had one come to my front door once but I haven't see one since. The ground hog is back!
We have little turtles crossing the road this time of year and there is definitely road kill...armadillos and possums.

Alana said...

The first green of spring is an exciting time. Spring has arrived for you, finally.