Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Yellow Blooms

 The Marsh Marigolds are finally blooming sometimes known as Cow Slips.

The early blooming  smaller Yellow Ladys Slippers are blooming too... they always bloom around Memorial Day and the larger Yellow Lady Slippers bloom around Father's Day. 

Fun to see something blooming!  

This last day of May...the lawn has been mowed at least once...some parts twice, my Lawn Mower has a bad tire so it needs air every time I mow...I need to focus on the ant problem in this area and the Poison Ivy has emerged. 

Far Side


  1. We are having an odd spring. Everything seems to start blooming then stops halfway. It’s also extremely dry. Every year it gets more and more dry in the spring. Right now Nova Scotia is battling many, many forest fires. Many houses have been lost, over 300. The biggest one is not far from us and now the biggest forest fire in Nova Scotia’s history and unless we get rain, will continue on its path to destruction. And there’s no rain in the foreseeable future. My husband and son are on standby to go and help with the fires which scares me! So please put them in your prayers.


  2. Yikes on the ants and the poison ivy. I had a bad tire for two years and finally had a neighbor help me take it off so I could get it replaced. Then of course, I had to wait for the neighbor to help me put it back on.
    That is a chore!

    Love the Ladies Slippers!

  3. It's so good to see flowers blooming around here too. Seems like spring came so late, and only lasted a week. Now we have summer already. But I'm grateful for the flowers.

  4. Yellow flowers always remind me of you. And of course especially the lady slippers. :-)

  5. I just love the lady slippers! Enjoy them while they last!!

  6. Love the flowers blooming!
    Poison Ivy...ants. And so the summer battle begins---lol!

  7. Interesting how yellow flowers are usually the first to bloom. They sure do brighten the spirit!

  8. Last night I finally found a patch of sweet peas.

  9. It's a battle for control, isn't it?!

  10. The blooms are so pretty. Yuck, your battle with Poison Ivy begins.

  11. I am partial to yellow flowers! My lawn is long and shaggy. I hope I get my mower back from repair soon.

  12. Flowering trees and shrubs are finally showing a few blooms. Spring arrives in late May/early June at this elevation.

  13. I have some flowers that I call Cow Slips but they must be a different kind. Only 3 plants came through the winter. The Lady Slippers are so pretty. Those I remember from my childhood.

  14. Oh no, NOT the poison ivy! I hope you can stomp it out quickly, pesky plant.

  15. Those lady slippers are so pretty. I don't thing I've ever seen them in "real life." And poison ivy already? Yuck. I detest that plant. We're already having hot, hot weather. The A/C has been on non-stop for 5 days with no break in the future forecast. Today was over 90F.
    Blessings and hugs,

  16. Lots of comments about yellow being the color of early flowers. I was thinking that too.
    And of course you know I love Lady Slippers!

  17. I love all the flowers! Although The pink lady slippers are my favorites!

  18. Yellow flowers were always my favourites to see. They always looked so cheerful.

  19. The lady slippers I found here are pink. Not sure if I've seen marsh marigolds. Karen

  20. My favorite color...yellow! I had a bad tire for years and I would fill it every time before mowing. I think I finally got a new one eventually.


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