Thursday, December 29, 2022


 Taking care of a few things before going back Up North where Far Guy is…Jen and Sadie are keeping one eye on him and will get him to his Infusion today.  I still need a few days here to make sure my Mother has the medications that she needs…the past few weeks before my Dad died she was not sleeping or taking all of her medications.  I have taken her to the Doctor and all of her health complaints have been addressed and new medications ordered.  I figured out a medication system that may work for her.. I hope. My Mother has a blood clot in her left leg, it is getting better slowly.  She is very tired and falls asleep sitting up.  She is missing my Dad. I can do nothing about that because I miss him too. 

Far Side


thecrazysheeplady said...


Maebeme said...

I'm glad you are able to be there for your mom.

Sara said...

That is a big adjustment for your mom. It's good that you and your siblings are available to give her some needed assistance and support.

Lynda said...

That's the darn thing about death - - it doesn't just happen one day and is done but the grief continues on and on. In the midst of it all, regular life must continue, too. Even when we know we will see loved ones again in Heaven, it still hurts so much to be left behind - - -
Your mom and going to sleep sitting up - - - does she have a recliner? A lot of older people like to sleep in those. She could have her feet elevated. Often medical insurance can pay for an electric one that helps a person to standing, also, if you can get a doctor to approve it. You might know the steps to take to start that process if she wants that option but I would ask at the assisted living - - the social worker - - or even the equipment store that provides them about what is required. I would think the blood clot would be a good enough reason. Just a thought.

Betsy said...

Ah, bless your sweet heart Connie. You are such a wonderful daughter. I know how hard it can be with the medication thing. I don't know what the issue is, but what solved our "problem" was getting a locking dispenser that advances and and alarm beeps to let Mom know it's time for her medicine. We found it on Amazon. I would be happy to send the link to you if you would like. I'll be praying for your Mom for specifically now. It's so hard to lose a parent, even if they've been growing more distant mentally over the years. My heart aches for you my friend.
Blessings and love,

Rita said...

I hope the system works for her and she is feeling better soon. She must be exhausted--yes. You all need some time. How nice to know FarGuy is in good hands also. :)

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Sending love and virtual hugs to you and your Mom.

Red said...

Elder care is a huge problem.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Sending you hugz as you work your way through this difficult time, Mxx

L. D. said...

My mother crashed for a few weeks after losing my dad. She can rebuild when she gets so much needed rest. It is a hard transition period. Take care of yourself also.

Linda Reeder said...

This is such a difficult time for your mother, and for you too. Sending a virtual hug.

DJan said...

I am sure you both missing him, it's a different world without him in it. and I am sending lots of love and gratitude to you both.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Sending much love to you and your Mom!

diane in northern wis said...

Praying for your dear Mom. So glad you're getting her all checked out and ordering new meds too. God bless her and all of you. Grieving is so hard.

Miss Merry said...

Prayers of peace for both of you. Such a difficult season of life. A life ended, a year ending. Prayers of comfort, too.

Val Ewing said...

You are dealing with a lot and I'm glad you are helping your mom out.

I did end up setting up a timed medication box for my MIL because she didn't remember to take her meds most of the time.
It rang or beeped and opened a section of the little pill box when it was time for the meds.

Unfortunately, someone had to fill it every two weeks. There is also the method of getting pre-packed meds in little packs, we explored that also. My MIL just took things when she thought it might be time for it...not really on schedule.

Hugs to you. said...

Death is a hard road to hoe for those who are left behind. So glad you have family to look out for one another. You are a wonderful daughter! I hope your Mom heals both body and soul. It must be hard to be the one left behind. You are all in my prayers.

MTWaggin said...

Just continue to "be there" for your Mom. You will all get through this tough time together. Hugs to all!