Sunday, December 11, 2022


 There are five cooks sometimes six cooks in this house.  Noah is here off and on and is getting his own place in a few days.  Adam is mostly at work...although he does make lots of dishes to wash. That leaves four who hates to cook and likes to eat cereal ... that leaves three cooks.  Me, Andy and Far Guy. 

Andy cooked last night... Prime Rib, potatoes and carrots.  What a treat to have someone else cook!

Far Guy says he wants to try something called Sticky Chicken this week.   
I just say ...go for it! 
Far Side


  1. Gosh I wish I could convince my son to start cooking for me. He does make his own meals on the weekends (lunch) and occasionally on an evening when I don't feel like it. But I usually have a sandwich those days before he gets around to making anything.

    I'm not a fan of prime rib generally, but that looks good.

  2. That is a treat! I hope several of them cook sometimes. ;)

  3. I am one of those people who love to eat, but doesn't enjoy cooking most of the time. I really enjoy having daughters and sons-in-law who do enjoy cooking. My husband is a champion picky eater, so over the years I've gotten very bored with cooking. He won't even taste anything he thinks he won't like. Boring, boring, boring! LOL

  4. OMG! Does that ever look good! If I ever (it will never happen) but if I ever got married again they would have to cook and clean toilets! LOL! Are those Hassselback potatoes? They are delicious! What a great SIL you have.

  5. I have the same dishes and ohhhh that looks so good.

  6. WOW! Every meal and adventure!!! COOL!

  7. Both my wife and I like to cook but she is definitely better at it than I. I still follow recipes but she makes things up on the fly.

  8. I am mostly OK with cooking as long as I have someone to do the dishes, and I do.

  9. You will feast all winter! That is one of the things I enjoyed about your posts last year was hearing the things your combined families cooked - - - whether together or taking turns. That part is a definite win-win for everyone.
    This morning the pastor was talking about loving your families every minute you have the opportunity to be with them. He is a "Senior" and has lost a few loved ones that of course you miss more at Christmas. He, like many of us, wishes he had more time on earth with them.
    He said to Forgive any thing from the past and praise God for the present time you have to be with the ones HE gave to you.
    Your families seem to do that part well of loving each other and enjoying time together.

  10. There's one cook at this place who is tired of cooking and it's not me!

  11. He must be a chef. It looks so good.

  12. Sounds like such fun where you are for the winter. I love prime rib and your picture looks so delish! Have fun. Can't wait to see the picture of the sticky chicken! :)

  13. What a dinner!! Tell us about those potatoes!

    I love to cook but as the only cook, I do get tired of deciding what to have for dinner. . .

  14. I love it when the kids visit. They'll often cook. Hubby cannot!

  15. Everybody takes turns and the most aggressive gets to cook more often. We are going to Perkins for the first time tonight since we got sick six weeks ago.

  16. I can boil water...I am a cook!

    Wow, it must be nice to have others that like to cook. I don't, but at least the other half is happy with the same ol' same ol'.
    Meat and tators.

  17. Wow, that’s great! Can I borrow a couple?

  18. Yummm!
    I don't mind cooking but I don't like deciding what to cook! I like bbq nights when Ted does the cooking. You are blessed to have extra cooks in the house!

  19. Yum! Andy can cook for you anytime he wants to.


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